Peganum harmala

Flora Palaestina Ethnobotany

Peganum harmala L.


  • African Rue
  • Harmala
  • Syrian Rue
  • Wild Rue
  • harmal / hirmil حرمل
  • harmalIyan حرمليان
  • khiyeish خييش
  • shabar lavan
  • שַׁבָּר לָבָן


  • Shrub-steppes
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Medicinal Complaints / Uses

Peganum harmala L.

System/State Traditional
Activity / Interpretation
Preparation/ Administration
Parts Used

Strengthen heart/ regulate cardiac function/ relieve chest pain

Analgesic, Cardiac

1. Decoct whole plant & drink.
2. Mix seeds + Nigella sativa seeds, boil in water & drink 1 small cup x3/day (morning, noon, evening).

Seed, Whole plant (? aerial parts + root) Z

Skin swelling & redness


Burn dried plant & steep ashes in grape vinegar overnight, stir & apply to swollen skin.

Aerial parts Z
Endocrine/ Metabolic

Diabetes mellitus


1. Decoct whole plant & drink.
2. Decoct seeds in water + Nigella sativa seeds & drink.

Seed, Whole plant (? aerial parts + root) Z

Abdominal gas


Grind seeds, mix + powders of Asparagus seeds + ginger root + Pimpinella fruits + honey & eat x1 teaspoon mornings.

Seed Z

Abdominal pain


1. Cook x2 small teaspoons of leaves in water & drink.
2. Roast seeds in fire & inhale smoke.

Leaf, Seed Z



Cook leaves & seeds in water & drink.

Leaf, Seed Z


Anti-Infective, Anti-diarrheal

Cook seeds in water + Ononis pubescens & drink.

Seed Z

Increase appetite


Use seeds 1 yr after harvesting. (Preparation/ Admin. not specified.)

Seed Z



1. Grind seeds into powder, mix + oil, warm mixture & spread over face in evening. Next morning wash face with soap.
2. Steep seeds in water overnight, filter & drink. Avoid eating eggs, meat and fat.

Seed Z

Strengthen body


1. Decoct whole plant & drink.
2. Decoct in water seeds + Nigella sativa seeds & drink 1 small cup x3/day (morning, noon, evening).

Seed, Whole plant (? aerial parts + root) Z

Clean blood

Blood purifier

Use seeds 1yr after harvesting. (Preparation/ Admin. not specified.)

Seed Z
Infectious Diseases



Drink Cinnamomum cassia cooked in water or make a burn with red hot wire over painful lung. Then grind Paganum seeds & eat x1 teaspoon + soft boiled egg.

Seed Z
Kidney & Urinary Tract

Aid urination,

Deobstruent, Diuretic

Use seeds 1yr after harvesting. (Preparation/ Admin. not specified).

Seed Z
Kidney & Urinary Tract

Kidney stones


Grind roasted seeds & eat ? teaspoon x2/day until recovery.

Seed B
Mental Health



1. Roast seeds & leaves in fire & inhale smoke.
2. Prepare infusion of seeds & leaves in water & drink.

Leaf, Seed Z
Musculoskeletal/ Joints

Arthritis prevention


Grind seeds & eat ? tablespoon x 2/day.

Seed B
Musculoskeletal/ Joints

Joint inflammation/ rheumatic pain (Z, B). Lumbago (lower back pain) (Z)

Analgesic, Anti-arthritic, Anti-inflammatory

1. Cook seeds (in some preparations 1 yr after harvesting) in water in sealed vessel; patient, wearing wide gown stands over steam as long as possible, then goes to bed away from cold. (Z)
2. Crush aerial parts into fine powder, mix + olive oil + "samna" (clarified butter similar to "ghee") & heat over low fire to make homogenous paste; spread over painful, inflammed area for 4 days. (Z)
3. Burn dried aerial parts or mix (before burning) + Dittrichia viscosa or Rosmarinus officinalis (gives better results); allow smoke to flow over painful area. Inhaling the smoke improves & quickens healing. (Z)
4. Prepare infusion of leaves & seeds & drink. (Z)
5. Mix 10 gm seeds + 250 gm black cumin (Nigella sativa) seeds + 50 gm chrysanthemum + 10 gm of each of following; senna (Senna alexandrina) + cloves (Syzygium aromaticum)+ rosmary leaves (Rosmarinus officinalis )+ mahaleb cherry (Prunus mahaleb )+ almonds (Prunis dulcus) + 800 gm honey. Eat 1 teaspoon of mixture x 2/day after breakfast & dinner for 10 days. (B) (See CAUTIONS)

Aerial parts, Leaf, Seed Z, B
Musculoskeletal/ Joints

Joint pain/ rheumatism

Analgesic, Anti-arthritic, Anti-inflammatory

Mix 10 gm seeds + 250 gm black cumin (Nigella sativa) seeds + 50 gm chrysanthemum & 10 gm of each of following; senna (Senna alexandrina) + cloves (Syzygium aromaticum) + rosmary leaves (Rosmarinus officinalis)+ mahaleb cherry (Prunus mahaleb ) + almonds (Prunis dulcus) + 800 gm honey. Eat 1 teaspoon x 2/day after breakfast & dinner for 10 days. (See CAUTIONS)

Seed B
Nervous System



1. Roast seeds (in some preparations 1 year after harvesting) & leaves in fire & inhale smoke.
2. Prepare infusion of leaves & seeds in water & drink.
3. For severe headache (migraine): boil dried seeds in water + olive oil & spread on head.

Leaf, Seed Z

Eye inflammation


Use seeds 1 yr after harvesting. (Preparation/ Admin. not specified.)

Seed Z

Strengthen weak vision

Visual health

Grate seeds, mix + olive oil & apply to eyes.

Seed Z

Asthma; as expectorant & for cough

Anti-tussive, Expectorant

1. Use seeds 1 year after harvesting, mix + honey or honey + saffron & eat.
2. Asthma with cough: crush dried seeds into fine powder, mix + egg yolk, heat over fire & eat.

Seed Z
Ritual /Ceremonial

Against the evil eye


1. Roast seeds in fire & listen to the sound of seeds exploding.
2. Inhale smoke of roasted seeds.

Seed Z
Women`s Health

Ovarian atrophy & to strengthen ovaries


Mix equal amounts of leaves + lady`s mantle (Alchemilla xanthochlora) leaves + flaxseed (Linum maritimum); sieve mixture & prepare infusion by adding 1 teaspoon mixture to 1 cup hot water + 1 teaspoon honey; steep 10 min & drink x1 cup at night before menstruation & 12 days after menstruation.

Leaf B
Wound Healing

Extract pus from skin lesion/wound

Anti-Infective, Vulnerary

Grind leaf & seed + onion, mix + honey & spread over lesion.

Leaf, Seed Z
Wound Healing

Treat various lesions/wounds


Grind seeds (1 year after harvesting). (Admin. not specified.)

Seed Z

The authors of FLORAPALE, (Flora Palaestina Ethnobotanical) web site do not take responsibility for any adverse effects from the use of the plants described here. Always seek advice from a health professional before using a plant medicinally or for other purposes. See DISCLAIMER.


1. Z notes that some people claim drinking beverage prepared from Peganum hamala can cure over 70 types of internal diseases if used for 40 days every morning. However he also adds that others claim drinking the preparation is dangerous to some body systems including male & female reproductive tracts & therefore should only be used externally.(see also CAUTIONS. )
2. In recipe (5) for rheumatism Peganum harmala is used with Mahaleb Cherry (Prunus mahaleb); the Prunus genus has species which many contain hydrogen cyanide in their seeds & leaves & which can cause respiratory depression & death (see also CAUTIONS for Prunus amygdalus)


Peganum harmala contains alkaloids & all parts of the plant are reported as toxic. In humans overdose causes hallucinations, neurosensorial syndromes, bradycardia, nausea & vomiting. Also causes abortion & should therefore not be used in pregnant/ lactating women. Caution also in spreading preparations of this plant in olive oil to the eyes. Domestic animals eating sub-lethal amounts can suffer severe intoxication, digestive symptoms & narcotic state interrupted by short periods of excitement.