- Wound Healing
Apply poultice of leaves to lesion.
- Wound Healing
1. Apply seed oil alone or as salve + other ingredients.
2. Rub castor seed oil on burn then sprinkle with powder from roasted, ground lentils.
3.To keep wound open: apply poultice of leaves
- Wound Healing
Apply oil poultice from seeds on affected area x2/day.
- Women`s Health
Apply poultice of leaves to nipples. (See NOTES 3)
- Women`s Health
Drink x3 seeds (Preparation not specified) directly after birth. Contraceptive for 3 years.
- Nervous system
Apply seed oil as an enema.
- Nervous system
Apply seed oil & massage.
- Musculoskeletal/ joints
Analgesic, Anti-arthritic, Anti-inflammatory
1. Cook leaves in olive oil & spread over painful areas. Avoid exposure to wind.
2. Apply seed oil locally & massage. ( See NOTES 1).
- Musculoskeletal/ joints
Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory
Apply seed oil locally & massage.
- Mental Health
Anti-psychotic, Sedative
Mix fruit + myrrh + saffron + salt + garlic + oil & apply externally. (Further details of Admin. not specified.)
- Infections
Use seed oil. (Admin. not specified. (See NOTES 1).
- Infections
Drink 1-3 dirhams (See NOTES 1 & 2) of seed oil.
- Helminth Infections
Anthelmintic, Vermifuge
After fasting for 2 days, eat 200 gm peeled buttercup squash (Cucurbita maxima) seeds. After 4 hr eat 60 gm "zeit kharw'a" (Olea ricini, castor seed oil) or 2 fingers (may mean a pinch between 2 fingers) of English salt (Epsom salt = MgSO4).
- Helminth Infections
Anthelmintic, Vermifuge
1.Drink seed oil followed by infusion of mint tea. For ascaris: after above, eat dried, coconut in evening. Avoid eating peanuts (Arachis hypogaea). (Z)
2. Drink 1 cup oil on empty stomach x1/ day. (B)
- Gastrointestinal
Apply oil poultice from seeds onto affected area x2/ day.
- Gastrointestinal
1. Extract oil from seeds & drink (60 gm) (unclear if this refers to weight of the seeds or oil).
2. Chronic constipation: drink x1 small glass castor seed oil.
3. For babies: spread oil on abdomen & gently massage.
- Gastrointestinal
Drink oil from seeds; after burn the patient with a hot iron on upper posterior part of arm, then eat pomegranate jam.
- Gastrointestinal
Use seed oil. (Admin. further details not specified.)
- Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT)
Apply few drops of seed oil into ear. (See NOTES 1)
- Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT)
Apply seed oil as ear drops.
- Dermatology
Cut skin with razor blade & drink laxative e.g.castor seed oil.
- Dermatology
Apply fresh leaf to boil until it opens; then clean + cotton dipped in castor oil.
- Dermatological
1. Apply oil externally to affected areas & massage. (B)
2. Apply seed oil to affected area alone or made into salve + other ingredients. (Z)
- Dermatological
Hair restorer
Apply oil externally to affected areas & massage.
- Child Health
Apply oil externally as ointment.