Abdominal pain (ID: 5111)

All Complaints for this Species

    • Wound Healing Vulnerary

      Extract fruits in boiling water, filter & apply to affected area.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-emetic

      Grind fresh fruits & eat + milk before breakfast for 40 days.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-ulcer

      Grind fresh fruits & eat + milk before breakfast for 40 days.

    • Gastrointestinal Carminative

      Decoct roots & drink x1 cup/day as needed.

Inflammation stomach/ digestive tract (ID: 600)

All Complaints for this Species

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Anti-inflammatory, Demulcent

      Decoct aerial parts in water & drink ? cup x3/day.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-inflammatory, Demulcent

      Decoct aerial parts in water & drink x3 cups/day.

Stomach ulcer (ID: 5109)

All Complaints for this Species

    • Wound Healing Vulnerary

      Extract fruits in boiling water, filter & apply to affected area.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-emetic

      Grind fresh fruits & eat + milk before breakfast for 40 days.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-ulcer

      Grind fresh fruits & eat + milk before breakfast for 40 days.

    • Gastrointestinal Carminative

      Decoct roots & drink x1 cup/day as needed.

Gastritis/ Flatulence (ID: 5107)

All Complaints for this Species

    • Respiratory Anti-tussive

      Grind leaves & apply as a dressing to chest.

    • Pain Relief Analgesic

      Grind leaves & apply as a dressing to chest.

    • Musculoskeletal/ Joints Analgesic, Anti-arthritic, Anti-inflammatory

      Decoct leaves & immerse affected part (in a bath) for 1 hr.

    • Gastrointestinal Carminative, Demulcent

      Decoct ground roots & drink x1 cup/day for 2 weeks.

    • Cardiovascular Cardiac

      Decoct leaves & drink x? cup/day until healed.

Biliary stones (ID: 530)

All Complaints for this Species

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Anti-lithic, Deobstruent

      Cook fruit in water & drink.

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Diuretic

      1. Decoct fresh/ crushed fruit in water, cool, strain & drink x3/day.
      2. Eat fresh fruit.

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Anti-lithic

      1. Decoct fresh/ crushed fruit in water, cool, strain & drink x3/day.
      2. Eat fresh fruit.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-lithic

      Decoct fresh fruit in water, cool, strain & drink all day instead of water.

    • Endocrine/ Metabolic Hypoglycemic

      Decoct fresh fruit in water, cool, strain & drink x3 tablespoons/day for 2 mth.

Stomach acidity (ID: 5091)

All Complaints for this Species

    • Surgical/ Trauma Haemostatic

      Cook leaves + dough + tomato paste & eat 1 bowl to stop bleeding.

    • Gastrointestinal Antacid

      Cook leaves + olive oil & eat as needed.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-lithic

      Decoct leaves & drink 1 cup x2/day until recovery.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-Infective

      Boil 50 gm leaves in 1L of water & drink 1 cup x3/day.

    • Endocrine/ Metabolic Hypoglycemic

      1. Decoct leaves & drink 1 cup x2/day until recovery.
      2. Cook leaves + olive oil & eat as needed.

    • Cancer Anti-carcinogenic

      1. Decoct leaves & drink x1 cup/day in morning until recovery.
      2. Cook leaves + tomato +onions + olive oil + wheat flour & eat x1-2/ week until recovery.
      3. Dry leaves, insert into capsules & take x3-4 capsules/day before breakfast.

Food poisoning (ID: 5093)

All Complaints for this Species

    • Surgical/ Trauma Haemostatic

      Cook leaves + dough + tomato paste & eat 1 bowl to stop bleeding.

    • Gastrointestinal Antacid

      Cook leaves + olive oil & eat as needed.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-lithic

      Decoct leaves & drink 1 cup x2/day until recovery.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-Infective

      Boil 50 gm leaves in 1L of water & drink 1 cup x3/day.

    • Endocrine/ Metabolic Hypoglycemic

      1. Decoct leaves & drink 1 cup x2/day until recovery.
      2. Cook leaves + olive oil & eat as needed.

    • Cancer Anti-carcinogenic

      1. Decoct leaves & drink x1 cup/day in morning until recovery.
      2. Cook leaves + tomato +onions + olive oil + wheat flour & eat x1-2/ week until recovery.
      3. Dry leaves, insert into capsules & take x3-4 capsules/day before breakfast.

Gas (ID: 540)

All Complaints for this Species

    • Respiratory Anti-tussive

      Decoct plant in water & drink 1 tablespoon x3/day.

    • Respiratory Anti-Infective, Anti-catarrhal

      Decoct plant in water & drink 1 cup x3/day.

    • Musculoskeletal/ Joints Analgesic, Anti-arthritic, Anti-inflammatory

      Cook plant in water & stand over steam while protected from the cold.

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Anti-Infective

      Cook aerial parts + olive oil + onions & eat x2/day.

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Deobstruent

      Decoct aerial parts & drink 1 cup x3/day for 3 days.

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Diuretic

      Decoct root. (Admin. not specified.)

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Anti-lithic

      1. Decoct or cook root in water & drink.
      2. Cook root in water, strain, add + ground coffee + lemon juice & drink daily before breakfast.

    • General Anti-hydropic

      Decoct root.(Admin. not specified).

    • Gastrointestinal Carminative

      Mix ground seeds + powdered ginger (Zingiber) + "yansun" (Pimpinella anisum) + "harmal" (Peganum harmala) + honey & eat x1 teaspoon mornings.

    • Gastrointestinal Carminative

      Cook root in water, dissolve 1 spoon sodium sulphate in 1 cup & drink.

    • Endocrine/ Metabolic Hypoglycemic

      Decoct root. (Admin. not specified.)

    • Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT) Anti-Infective, Demulcent

      Decoct plant in water & drink 1 small teaspoon x3/day.

    • Cardiovascular Analgesic, Cardiac

      Decoct plant in water & drink x1 tablespoon as needed.

Bloated colon (ID: 537)

All Complaints for this Species

    • Respiratory Anti-tussive

      Decoct plant in water & drink 1 tablespoon x3/day.

    • Respiratory Anti-Infective, Anti-catarrhal

      Decoct plant in water & drink 1 cup x3/day.

    • Musculoskeletal/ Joints Analgesic, Anti-arthritic, Anti-inflammatory

      Cook plant in water & stand over steam while protected from the cold.

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Anti-Infective

      Cook aerial parts + olive oil + onions & eat x2/day.

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Deobstruent

      Decoct aerial parts & drink 1 cup x3/day for 3 days.

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Diuretic

      Decoct root. (Admin. not specified.)

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Anti-lithic

      1. Decoct or cook root in water & drink.
      2. Cook root in water, strain, add + ground coffee + lemon juice & drink daily before breakfast.

    • General Anti-hydropic

      Decoct root.(Admin. not specified).

    • Gastrointestinal Carminative

      Mix ground seeds + powdered ginger (Zingiber) + "yansun" (Pimpinella anisum) + "harmal" (Peganum harmala) + honey & eat x1 teaspoon mornings.

    • Gastrointestinal Carminative

      Cook root in water, dissolve 1 spoon sodium sulphate in 1 cup & drink.

    • Endocrine/ Metabolic Hypoglycemic

      Decoct root. (Admin. not specified.)

    • Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT) Anti-Infective, Demulcent

      Decoct plant in water & drink 1 small teaspoon x3/day.

    • Cardiovascular Analgesic, Cardiac

      Decoct plant in water & drink x1 tablespoon as needed.

Gallstones (ID: 5092)

All Complaints for this Species

    • Surgical/ Trauma Haemostatic

      Cook leaves + dough + tomato paste & eat 1 bowl to stop bleeding.

    • Gastrointestinal Antacid

      Cook leaves + olive oil & eat as needed.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-lithic

      Decoct leaves & drink 1 cup x2/day until recovery.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-Infective

      Boil 50 gm leaves in 1L of water & drink 1 cup x3/day.

    • Endocrine/ Metabolic Hypoglycemic

      1. Decoct leaves & drink 1 cup x2/day until recovery.
      2. Cook leaves + olive oil & eat as needed.

    • Cancer Anti-carcinogenic

      1. Decoct leaves & drink x1 cup/day in morning until recovery.
      2. Cook leaves + tomato +onions + olive oil + wheat flour & eat x1-2/ week until recovery.
      3. Dry leaves, insert into capsules & take x3-4 capsules/day before breakfast.