Abdominal pain (ID: 5251)

All Complaints for this Species

    • Gastrointestinal Carminative

      Decoct aerial parts & drink x1-2 cups/day.

Haemorrhoids (ID: 5250)

All Complaints for this Species

    • Respiratory Anti-spasmodic? (see effect of this plant on Nervous system).

      Preparation/ Admin. not specified.(See NOTES) (TOXIC See CAUTIONS)

    • Respiratory

      Preparation/ Admin.not specified. (See NOTES) (TOXIC See CAUTIONS)

    • Nervous system Anti-convulsant, Anti-spasmodic

      Preparation /Admin. not specified. (See NOTES) (TOXIC See CAUTIONS)

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-haemorrhoidal

      Use aerial parts externally for haemorrhoids. (Further details of Preparation /Admin not specified).

    • Cancer Anti-carcinogenic

      Decoct aerial parts & drink x1 cup/day until healed.

Carminative (relieves flatulence etc.) (ID: 713)

All Complaints for this Species

    • Respiratory Expectorant

      Prepare tea (infusion) of plant. (Admin. not specified.)

    • Respiratory Anti-tussive

      Decoct aerial parts & drink 1 cup x2/day until well.

    • Musculoskeletal/ Joints Analgesic, Anti-arthritic, Anti-inflammatory

      Prepare drink from plant + "za'tar" (thyme /Thymbra capitata) & drink.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-ulcer

      Decoct aerial parts + nettle, filter & drink 1 cup x2/day.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-inflammatory, Demulcent

      Decoct plant & drink as a tea few x /day.

    • Gastrointestinal Carminative

      Decoct plant & drink as a tea few x/day.

Inflammation stomach & intestines (ID: 713)

All Complaints for this Species

    • Respiratory Expectorant

      Prepare tea (infusion) of plant. (Admin. not specified.)

    • Respiratory Anti-tussive

      Decoct aerial parts & drink 1 cup x2/day until well.

    • Musculoskeletal/ Joints Analgesic, Anti-arthritic, Anti-inflammatory

      Prepare drink from plant + "za'tar" (thyme /Thymbra capitata) & drink.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-ulcer

      Decoct aerial parts + nettle, filter & drink 1 cup x2/day.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-inflammatory, Demulcent

      Decoct plant & drink as a tea few x /day.

    • Gastrointestinal Carminative

      Decoct plant & drink as a tea few x/day.

Stomach ulcer (ID: 5237)

All Complaints for this Species

    • Respiratory Expectorant

      Prepare tea (infusion) of plant. (Admin. not specified.)

    • Respiratory Anti-tussive

      Decoct aerial parts & drink 1 cup x2/day until well.

    • Musculoskeletal/ Joints Analgesic, Anti-arthritic, Anti-inflammatory

      Prepare drink from plant + "za'tar" (thyme /Thymbra capitata) & drink.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-ulcer

      Decoct aerial parts + nettle, filter & drink 1 cup x2/day.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-inflammatory, Demulcent

      Decoct plant & drink as a tea few x /day.

    • Gastrointestinal Carminative

      Decoct plant & drink as a tea few x/day.

Gastrointestinal inflammation (ID: 987)

All Complaints for this Species

    • Musculoskeletal/ Joints Analgesic, Anti-arthritic, Anti-inflammatory

      Decoct plant in water & drink x3 cups/day.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-inflammatory, Demulcent

      Decoct plant in water & drink x3 cups/day.

    • Gastrointestinal Carminative

      Decoct plant in water & drink x3 cups/day.

Carminative (abominal pain, distension gas) (ID: 987)

All Complaints for this Species

    • Musculoskeletal/ Joints Analgesic, Anti-arthritic, Anti-inflammatory

      Decoct plant in water & drink x3 cups/day.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-inflammatory, Demulcent

      Decoct plant in water & drink x3 cups/day.

    • Gastrointestinal Carminative

      Decoct plant in water & drink x3 cups/day.

Constipation (laxative) (ID: 913)

All Complaints for this Species

    • Veterinary Hepatic

      Decoct fruit & leaves in water & give x1 full cup for horses, cattle, goats, sheep to drink mornings.

    • Respiratory Anti-asthmatic

      Use rind. (Preparation/ Admin. not specified.)

    • Nervous System Anti-convulsant

      Cook fruit? & leaves? in olive oil & eat. (Plant part unclear.) (TOXIC See CAUTIONS)

    • Musculoskeletal/ Joints Analgesic, Anti-arthritic, Anti-inflammatory

      1. Squeeze fruits & apply juice to affected area daily for 2 weeks.
      2. Cut fruits into 2 halves & place cut parts on affected area overnight.

    • Musculoskeletal/ Joints Anti-spasmodic, Muscle relaxant

      1. Decoct fruits & immerse feet in hot decoction.
      2. Crush fruits, mix + olive oil & apply to affected area.

    • Musculoskeletal/ Joints Analgesic, Anti-arthritic, Anti-inflammatory, Uricolytic

      Make compress / bandage with rind & apply to affected area.

    • Musculoskeletal/ Joints Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory

      1.Back pain: cook fruit in oil until turns red; cool & apply to painful area x1-2/day. (B)
      2. Back & joint pain: peel green fruit & boil rind in olive oil to obtain jelly. Spread on back/ joints (Z)

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Diuretic

      Decoct root & use internally. (Admin. not specified.) (TOXIC See CAUTIONS)

    • Infectious Diseases Anti-Infective

      Use rind as a compress & apply to affected leg.

    • Helminth infections Anthelmintic, Vermifuge

      1. Fill hollowed rind with milk, stand overnight & drink mornings.
      2. Prepare juice from fruit & drink a few drops. (TOXIC See CAUTIONS)

    • Helminth infections Anthelmintic, Vermifuge

      Decoct root. (Admin. not specified.)

    • General Anti-hydropic

      1. Decoct root & use internally (Admin. not specified.)
      2. Use rind. (Peparation/Admin. not specified.)

    • Gastrointestinal Purgative

      Rub foot with fruit (? rind). (Plant part unclear.)

    • Gastrointestinal Hepatic

      1. Fill hollowed rind with milk, stand overnight & drink mornings.(Z)
      2. Prepare juice from fruit & drink a few drops. (Z)
      3. For liver disease: Use rind (Preparation/ Admin. not specified.) (Z)
      4. (Jaundice): Apply x1 drop of fruit juice into nostril. (B) (TOXIC See CAUTIONS)

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-haemorrhoidal

      1. Apply fresh fruit pulp as poultice to haemorrhoids.
      2. Roast fruit & use as paste x2/day until healed.

    • Gastrointestinal Carminative

      Crush fruits, mix + sugar & eat x1 teaspoon/day; optionally add water to help swallow. (TOXIC See CAUTIONS)

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-Infective, Anti-diarrheal

      Prepare infusion of fruits & drink x1 cup/day mornings.

    • Gastrointestinal Laxative

      1. Cook fruit & drink extract (strong laxative).
      2. Decoct fruit & leaves in water & drink x1 cup before sleeping.
      3. Grind dried leaves & eat mornings.
      4. Use rind.(Admin. not specified.) (See also NOTES)

    • Gastrointestinal Laxative

      1. Decoct ground seeds & drink x2 cups/day for 1 week.
      2. Use seeds as a suppository.

    • Endocrine/ Metabolic Hypoglycemic

      1. Grind dried fruit & eat x1/2 teaspoon/day.
      2. Eat seeds. (TOXIC See CAUTIONS)

    • Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT) Non-specific

      Extract juice from leaves & apply as eardrops.

    • Dermatological Hair restorer

      Rub fruit rind on bald areas.

    • Child Health Non-specific

      Peel green fruit, boil the rind in olive oil to obtain jelly; spread on baby's feet & knees to help walk first steps.

    • Cancer Anti-carcinogenic

      1. Decoct leaves & drink 1 cup x1/day for 1 mth. (B)
      2. Decoct fruit & leaves in water & drink x3 cups/day. (TOXIC See CAUTIONS)

Jaundice/ liver disease (ID: 917)

All Complaints for this Species

    • Veterinary Hepatic

      Decoct fruit & leaves in water & give x1 full cup for horses, cattle, goats, sheep to drink mornings.

    • Respiratory Anti-asthmatic

      Use rind. (Preparation/ Admin. not specified.)

    • Nervous System Anti-convulsant

      Cook fruit? & leaves? in olive oil & eat. (Plant part unclear.) (TOXIC See CAUTIONS)

    • Musculoskeletal/ Joints Analgesic, Anti-arthritic, Anti-inflammatory

      1. Squeeze fruits & apply juice to affected area daily for 2 weeks.
      2. Cut fruits into 2 halves & place cut parts on affected area overnight.

    • Musculoskeletal/ Joints Anti-spasmodic, Muscle relaxant

      1. Decoct fruits & immerse feet in hot decoction.
      2. Crush fruits, mix + olive oil & apply to affected area.

    • Musculoskeletal/ Joints Analgesic, Anti-arthritic, Anti-inflammatory, Uricolytic

      Make compress / bandage with rind & apply to affected area.

    • Musculoskeletal/ Joints Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory

      1.Back pain: cook fruit in oil until turns red; cool & apply to painful area x1-2/day. (B)
      2. Back & joint pain: peel green fruit & boil rind in olive oil to obtain jelly. Spread on back/ joints (Z)

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Diuretic

      Decoct root & use internally. (Admin. not specified.) (TOXIC See CAUTIONS)

    • Infectious Diseases Anti-Infective

      Use rind as a compress & apply to affected leg.

    • Helminth infections Anthelmintic, Vermifuge

      1. Fill hollowed rind with milk, stand overnight & drink mornings.
      2. Prepare juice from fruit & drink a few drops. (TOXIC See CAUTIONS)

    • Helminth infections Anthelmintic, Vermifuge

      Decoct root. (Admin. not specified.)

    • General Anti-hydropic

      1. Decoct root & use internally (Admin. not specified.)
      2. Use rind. (Peparation/Admin. not specified.)

    • Gastrointestinal Purgative

      Rub foot with fruit (? rind). (Plant part unclear.)

    • Gastrointestinal Hepatic

      1. Fill hollowed rind with milk, stand overnight & drink mornings.(Z)
      2. Prepare juice from fruit & drink a few drops. (Z)
      3. For liver disease: Use rind (Preparation/ Admin. not specified.) (Z)
      4. (Jaundice): Apply x1 drop of fruit juice into nostril. (B) (TOXIC See CAUTIONS)

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-haemorrhoidal

      1. Apply fresh fruit pulp as poultice to haemorrhoids.
      2. Roast fruit & use as paste x2/day until healed.

    • Gastrointestinal Carminative

      Crush fruits, mix + sugar & eat x1 teaspoon/day; optionally add water to help swallow. (TOXIC See CAUTIONS)

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-Infective, Anti-diarrheal

      Prepare infusion of fruits & drink x1 cup/day mornings.

    • Gastrointestinal Laxative

      1. Cook fruit & drink extract (strong laxative).
      2. Decoct fruit & leaves in water & drink x1 cup before sleeping.
      3. Grind dried leaves & eat mornings.
      4. Use rind.(Admin. not specified.) (See also NOTES)

    • Gastrointestinal Laxative

      1. Decoct ground seeds & drink x2 cups/day for 1 week.
      2. Use seeds as a suppository.

    • Endocrine/ Metabolic Hypoglycemic

      1. Grind dried fruit & eat x1/2 teaspoon/day.
      2. Eat seeds. (TOXIC See CAUTIONS)

    • Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT) Non-specific

      Extract juice from leaves & apply as eardrops.

    • Dermatological Hair restorer

      Rub fruit rind on bald areas.

    • Child Health Non-specific

      Peel green fruit, boil the rind in olive oil to obtain jelly; spread on baby's feet & knees to help walk first steps.

    • Cancer Anti-carcinogenic

      1. Decoct leaves & drink 1 cup x1/day for 1 mth. (B)
      2. Decoct fruit & leaves in water & drink x3 cups/day. (TOXIC See CAUTIONS)

Diarrhea (ID: 5217)

All Complaints for this Species

    • Veterinary Hepatic

      Decoct fruit & leaves in water & give x1 full cup for horses, cattle, goats, sheep to drink mornings.

    • Respiratory Anti-asthmatic

      Use rind. (Preparation/ Admin. not specified.)

    • Nervous System Anti-convulsant

      Cook fruit? & leaves? in olive oil & eat. (Plant part unclear.) (TOXIC See CAUTIONS)

    • Musculoskeletal/ Joints Analgesic, Anti-arthritic, Anti-inflammatory

      1. Squeeze fruits & apply juice to affected area daily for 2 weeks.
      2. Cut fruits into 2 halves & place cut parts on affected area overnight.

    • Musculoskeletal/ Joints Anti-spasmodic, Muscle relaxant

      1. Decoct fruits & immerse feet in hot decoction.
      2. Crush fruits, mix + olive oil & apply to affected area.

    • Musculoskeletal/ Joints Analgesic, Anti-arthritic, Anti-inflammatory, Uricolytic

      Make compress / bandage with rind & apply to affected area.

    • Musculoskeletal/ Joints Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory

      1.Back pain: cook fruit in oil until turns red; cool & apply to painful area x1-2/day. (B)
      2. Back & joint pain: peel green fruit & boil rind in olive oil to obtain jelly. Spread on back/ joints (Z)

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Diuretic

      Decoct root & use internally. (Admin. not specified.) (TOXIC See CAUTIONS)

    • Infectious Diseases Anti-Infective

      Use rind as a compress & apply to affected leg.

    • Helminth infections Anthelmintic, Vermifuge

      1. Fill hollowed rind with milk, stand overnight & drink mornings.
      2. Prepare juice from fruit & drink a few drops. (TOXIC See CAUTIONS)

    • Helminth infections Anthelmintic, Vermifuge

      Decoct root. (Admin. not specified.)

    • General Anti-hydropic

      1. Decoct root & use internally (Admin. not specified.)
      2. Use rind. (Peparation/Admin. not specified.)

    • Gastrointestinal Purgative

      Rub foot with fruit (? rind). (Plant part unclear.)

    • Gastrointestinal Hepatic

      1. Fill hollowed rind with milk, stand overnight & drink mornings.(Z)
      2. Prepare juice from fruit & drink a few drops. (Z)
      3. For liver disease: Use rind (Preparation/ Admin. not specified.) (Z)
      4. (Jaundice): Apply x1 drop of fruit juice into nostril. (B) (TOXIC See CAUTIONS)

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-haemorrhoidal

      1. Apply fresh fruit pulp as poultice to haemorrhoids.
      2. Roast fruit & use as paste x2/day until healed.

    • Gastrointestinal Carminative

      Crush fruits, mix + sugar & eat x1 teaspoon/day; optionally add water to help swallow. (TOXIC See CAUTIONS)

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-Infective, Anti-diarrheal

      Prepare infusion of fruits & drink x1 cup/day mornings.

    • Gastrointestinal Laxative

      1. Cook fruit & drink extract (strong laxative).
      2. Decoct fruit & leaves in water & drink x1 cup before sleeping.
      3. Grind dried leaves & eat mornings.
      4. Use rind.(Admin. not specified.) (See also NOTES)

    • Gastrointestinal Laxative

      1. Decoct ground seeds & drink x2 cups/day for 1 week.
      2. Use seeds as a suppository.

    • Endocrine/ Metabolic Hypoglycemic

      1. Grind dried fruit & eat x1/2 teaspoon/day.
      2. Eat seeds. (TOXIC See CAUTIONS)

    • Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT) Non-specific

      Extract juice from leaves & apply as eardrops.

    • Dermatological Hair restorer

      Rub fruit rind on bald areas.

    • Child Health Non-specific

      Peel green fruit, boil the rind in olive oil to obtain jelly; spread on baby's feet & knees to help walk first steps.

    • Cancer Anti-carcinogenic

      1. Decoct leaves & drink 1 cup x1/day for 1 mth. (B)
      2. Decoct fruit & leaves in water & drink x3 cups/day. (TOXIC See CAUTIONS)