Severe diarrhea & intestinal inflammation (ID: 2097)

All Complaints for this Species

    • Wound Healing Haemostatic, Vulnerary

      Decoct gallnuts in water & apply externally.

    • Wound Healing Vulnerary

      Grind gallnuts + Lawsonia sp. into fine powder & sprinkle over burn.

    • Oral health Anti-caries, Anti-gum disease

      1. Grind gallnuts (See NOTES) + Cyperus sp. + Artemisia arboresens + Calamina (Calamine lotion: ZnO+Fe2O3) + Anacyclus pyrethrum; add little water to obtain a paste & spread in/around teeth.
      2. For gum inflammation: decoct gallnuts in water & apply externally.

    • General Analgesic, Anti-Infective, Anti-pyrexia

      Prepare alcoholic tincture of gallnuts (galla), (See NOTES 1) + Ruta graveolens (leaf) + Phyllanthus emblica + "pedalon" (type of artificially prepared salt) + NaCl + Ferula assa-foetida + Aloe ferox + Myristica fragrans + Crocus sp. + Zingiber + Panicum (?) + Piper longum + Terminalia bellerica + "bedda" (See NOTES 2) (Terminalia citrina)+ "qali kaduri" (?) + Rosa sp.+ Cassia sp. + Gardenia sp. Take orally as necessary.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-Infective, Anti-diarrheal, Anti-inflammatory, Demulcent

      1.Decoct gallnuts in water & use internally. (Admin. further details not specified.)
      2.Grind gallnuts to fine powder, cook in water & drink.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-haemorrhoidal

      Decoct gallnuts in water & apply externally.

    • Dermatological Haemostatic

      Grind gallnuts to fine powder & sprinkle over haemorrhage.

    • Cosmetic Dye

      Mix burnt gallnuts & oil. (Admin. details not specified.), (See NOTES 1)

    • Child health Anti-inflammatory

      Mix powdered gallnuts + vinegar & spread on tongue & lips x2/day after meals.

Dysentery (ID: 3360)

All Complaints for this Species

    • Women`s Health Emmenagogue

      Infuse/ extract seeds & drink extract on empty stomach.

    • Women`s Health Emmenagogue, Haemastatic

      Eat powdered seeds every morning for 1 week.

    • Opthalmic Anti-inflammatory, Visual health

      Squeeze juice from fresh bulb (See NOTES 3) & apply as eye drops.

    • Musculoskeletal/ joints Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory

      Grind seeds, wet with water, spread over cloth & apply to back.

    • Men`s Health/ Sexuality Aphrodisiac

      1. Crush dried seeds into fine powder, boil in pure bees honey for 30 min over low fire; eat x1 large tablespoon morning & evening.
      2. Mix powdered "bazr fajl" (radish seed, Raphanus) + powdered rhizome Alpinia officinarum + "halilaj" (Terminalia chebula) + "jozat el-tib" (nutmeg, Myristica fragrens) + black pepper (Piper nigrum)+ "sangagur" (Scincus scincus: a desert lizard or sand fish) + honey. Prepare a suppository for men or vaginal plug for women.
      3. For males only: mix powdered "bazr fajl" (radish/ Raphanus seed) + powdered rhizome Alpinia officinarum + "halilaj" (Terminalia chebula) + "jozat el-tib" (nutmeg, Myristica fragrans) + "bazr el-rashad" (Lepidium sativum ) + honey (after boiling it & removing froth). Eat x1 spoon every day for 4-6 days without making contact with a woman. (See CAUTIONS: This recipe is only good if the man does not have a stomach ulcer).
      4. Grind rhizome of Zingiber officinalis + Raphanus sp. mix + honey & eat x1 teaspoon mornings.

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Anti-inflammatory, Anti-lithic, Demulcent, Diuretic

      Use Root. (Preparation/ Admin. not specified.)

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Deobstruent

      Cook leaves or leaf veins in water & drink.

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Anti-lithic

      Decoct whole plant in water & drink instead of water.

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Diuretic

      1. Eat bulb. (See NOTES 3)
      2. Steep bulb & leaves in water + parsley for 12 hr; heat liquid & drink instead of water.

    • Haematology Anti-inflammatory

      Crush seeds to powder + wine vinegar & drink.

    • Haematology

      1. Extract juice from bulb (See NOTES 3) & leaves & drink x3/day until pallor disappears. Also add radishes to patient's food. (Z)
      2. Eat fresh radish root with meals. (B)

    • General Anti-hydropic

      Cook leaves or leaf veins in water & drink.

    • General Analgesic, Tonic

      Boil bulb in water for 15 min + ginger root + mint, cool & reheat; mix liquid + equal amount bees' honey (previously boiled with froth skimmed off) & eat morning & evening.

    • Gastrointestinal Carminative

      Eat fresh radish root with meals.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-Infective, Anti-diarrheal

      Cook leaves or leaf veins in water & drink.

    • Gastrointestinal Analgesic, Anti-emetic, Carminative

      Eat powdered seeds every morning for 1 week.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-lithic

      Decoct whole plant in water & drink instead of water.

    • Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT) Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory

      Crush seeds, mix with water & apply as nose drops.

    • Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT) Non-specific

      Grind seeds & tie into cloth to form small bundle; wet + juice of goat's adrenal gland & apply drops into ear. (See NOTES 1)

    • Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT) Anti-Infective

      Grill radish roots & squeeze into affected ear.

Diarrhea/ dysentery (ID: 3113)

All Complaints for this Species

    • General Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-pyretic

      Decoct plant in water & drink x3 large tablespoons/day.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-Infective, Anti-diarrheal

      Decoct plant in water & drink x3 large tablespoons/ day.

    • Dermatological Scabicide

      Mash fresh plant & apply to affected area.

    • Cardiovascular Analgesic, Cardiac

      Decoct plant in water & drink.

Gastric acid / Gastric ulcer (ID: 2088)

All Complaints for this Species

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Diuretic

      Crush roasted fruits into fine powder: 1. Eat powder or
      2. Prepare a coffee-like drink + sugar & drink x3 small cups/day.

    • Gastrointestinal Carminative

      Decoct fruit & bark & drink 1cup x2/day.

    • Gastrointestinal Stomachic

      Grind roasted fruits into fine powder: 1. Eat x1 teaspoonful before meals or
      2. Use powder to make a coffee-like beverage & drink x1 small cup.

    • Gastrointestinal Antacid, Anti-ulcer

      Decoct male flowers in water & drink x3 small cups/day.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-Infective, Anti-diarrheal

      Decoct male flowers in water & drink x3 large cups/day.

    • Child Health Anti-enuresis

      Decoct fruit & bark & drink x1 cup x2/day.

Stimulate appetite & digestion (ID: 2087)

All Complaints for this Species

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Diuretic

      Crush roasted fruits into fine powder: 1. Eat powder or
      2. Prepare a coffee-like drink + sugar & drink x3 small cups/day.

    • Gastrointestinal Carminative

      Decoct fruit & bark & drink 1cup x2/day.

    • Gastrointestinal Stomachic

      Grind roasted fruits into fine powder: 1. Eat x1 teaspoonful before meals or
      2. Use powder to make a coffee-like beverage & drink x1 small cup.

    • Gastrointestinal Antacid, Anti-ulcer

      Decoct male flowers in water & drink x3 small cups/day.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-Infective, Anti-diarrheal

      Decoct male flowers in water & drink x3 large cups/day.

    • Child Health Anti-enuresis

      Decoct fruit & bark & drink x1 cup x2/day.

Diarrhea (ID: 2089)

All Complaints for this Species

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Diuretic

      Crush roasted fruits into fine powder: 1. Eat powder or
      2. Prepare a coffee-like drink + sugar & drink x3 small cups/day.

    • Gastrointestinal Carminative

      Decoct fruit & bark & drink 1cup x2/day.

    • Gastrointestinal Stomachic

      Grind roasted fruits into fine powder: 1. Eat x1 teaspoonful before meals or
      2. Use powder to make a coffee-like beverage & drink x1 small cup.

    • Gastrointestinal Antacid, Anti-ulcer

      Decoct male flowers in water & drink x3 small cups/day.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-Infective, Anti-diarrheal

      Decoct male flowers in water & drink x3 large cups/day.

    • Child Health Anti-enuresis

      Decoct fruit & bark & drink x1 cup x2/day.

Dysentery (ID: 3075)

All Complaints for this Species

    • Women`s Health Alterative

      1. Mix seeds + wheat grains + royal jelly + raisins (dried vitis vinefera fruit) + walnuts (Juglans regia)+ pine nuts (Pinus pinea)+ dates (Phoenix dactylifera); eat daily
      2. Eat roasted seeds daily.

    • Women`s Health Tocolytic

      Cook a little "hilbeh" (Trigonella foenum-graecum) in water. After cooking, discard bitter water & re-cook to obtain a mash. Add almond oil (from seed) + castor oil + "nabat" sugar (large sugar crystals) & eat.

    • Women`s Health Galactagogue

      1. Eat fresh fruits & seeds x 2-3/day for 1-3 mth after delivery.(B)
      2. Mix ground seeds + "nabat" sugar (large sugar crystals) in milk & drink. (Z)

    • Surgical/ Trauma Haemostatic

      Apply seeds/ gum externally. (See NOTES).

    • Respiratory Expectorant

      Decoct fruits in water & drink 1 cup x3/ day as needed.

    • Respiratory Anti-tussive

      1.Decoct fruits in water & drink 1 cup x4/day as needed.
      2. Mix seeds or gum (see NOTES) + honey & use internally.

    • Respiratory Anti-asthmatic

      Decoct fruits & drink 1 cup x4/day.

    • Opthalmic Visual health

      Grind seeds, add little water & heat; squeeze out liquid & apply as eye drops.

    • Mental health Anxiolytic

      Mix seeds + wheat grains + royal jelly + raisins (dried vitis vinefera fruit) + walnuts (Juglans regia) + pine nuts (Pinus pinea)+ dates (Phoenix dactylifera); eat daily.

    • Mens Health/ Reproductive Health Fertility

      1. Grind dried seeds + Jacob`s rod (Asphodelus lutea) seeds + honey & eat xI teaspoon/day.
      2. Boil 1 handful ground bark for 30 min, filter add + suger +? tablespoon lemon juice & drink x3 cups/day.
      3. Eat 80 gm seeds daily for 2 mth.
      4. Boil fruits in water & drink several times /day until well

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Anti-lithic

      Mix seeds/ gum (see NOTES) + honey & use internally. (Admin. details not specified. )

    • Haematology Non-specific

      Mix seeds/ gum (see NOTES) + sugar + poppy fruits & use internally. (Admin.details not specified.)

    • Gastrointestinal Antacid

      Eat raw seeds +/- honey.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-Infective

      Decoct root in water, cool, filter & drink 1 cup x3/day.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-Infective, Anti-diarrheal

      Heat almond oil + "shodon-aliza" (identity unknown) + water extract of Anchusa sp. & drink.

    • Gastrointestinal Carminative, Stomachic

      Decoct root or fruits in water, cool, filter & drink x1 cup after every meal.

    • Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT) Anti-Infective, Demulcent

      Mix seeds/gum (see NOTES) + honey & use internally.

    • Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT) Analgesic

      Extract oil from seeds & apply as warm drops into ear.

    • Dermatological Hair restorer

      1.Extract oil from seeds & apply externally to hair, cover with wet cloth & leave for 15-30 min; repeat x4-
      2.Extract oil from seeds & apply externally to hair before washing.
      3. Mix equal amounts oil extracted from seeds + coconut oil + lettuce seeds & apply to head for 6 hr before hair wash; repeat x2/week.

    • Dermatological Anti-Infective

      Mix 1 tablespoon oil + cucumber juice & apply x1-2/day to affected area.

    • Child Health Anti-fungal

      Apply oil externally x1-2/day on affected area.

    • Child Health Carminative

      Prepare infusion of ground seeds (sugar can be added) & drink x1 teaspoon (for an infant) as needed.

    • Cancer Anti-carcinogenic

      1.Eat x7 dried seeds/day +/- honey until well.
      2. Eat 1 teaspoon seeds + honey x2/day.

    • Ageing Nootropic

      Grind fruits & eat x3/day for 1 week.

Gastroenteritis (ID: 3078)

All Complaints for this Species

    • Women`s Health Alterative

      1. Mix seeds + wheat grains + royal jelly + raisins (dried vitis vinefera fruit) + walnuts (Juglans regia)+ pine nuts (Pinus pinea)+ dates (Phoenix dactylifera); eat daily
      2. Eat roasted seeds daily.

    • Women`s Health Tocolytic

      Cook a little "hilbeh" (Trigonella foenum-graecum) in water. After cooking, discard bitter water & re-cook to obtain a mash. Add almond oil (from seed) + castor oil + "nabat" sugar (large sugar crystals) & eat.

    • Women`s Health Galactagogue

      1. Eat fresh fruits & seeds x 2-3/day for 1-3 mth after delivery.(B)
      2. Mix ground seeds + "nabat" sugar (large sugar crystals) in milk & drink. (Z)

    • Surgical/ Trauma Haemostatic

      Apply seeds/ gum externally. (See NOTES).

    • Respiratory Expectorant

      Decoct fruits in water & drink 1 cup x3/ day as needed.

    • Respiratory Anti-tussive

      1.Decoct fruits in water & drink 1 cup x4/day as needed.
      2. Mix seeds or gum (see NOTES) + honey & use internally.

    • Respiratory Anti-asthmatic

      Decoct fruits & drink 1 cup x4/day.

    • Opthalmic Visual health

      Grind seeds, add little water & heat; squeeze out liquid & apply as eye drops.

    • Mental health Anxiolytic

      Mix seeds + wheat grains + royal jelly + raisins (dried vitis vinefera fruit) + walnuts (Juglans regia) + pine nuts (Pinus pinea)+ dates (Phoenix dactylifera); eat daily.

    • Mens Health/ Reproductive Health Fertility

      1. Grind dried seeds + Jacob`s rod (Asphodelus lutea) seeds + honey & eat xI teaspoon/day.
      2. Boil 1 handful ground bark for 30 min, filter add + suger +? tablespoon lemon juice & drink x3 cups/day.
      3. Eat 80 gm seeds daily for 2 mth.
      4. Boil fruits in water & drink several times /day until well

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Anti-lithic

      Mix seeds/ gum (see NOTES) + honey & use internally. (Admin. details not specified. )

    • Haematology Non-specific

      Mix seeds/ gum (see NOTES) + sugar + poppy fruits & use internally. (Admin.details not specified.)

    • Gastrointestinal Antacid

      Eat raw seeds +/- honey.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-Infective

      Decoct root in water, cool, filter & drink 1 cup x3/day.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-Infective, Anti-diarrheal

      Heat almond oil + "shodon-aliza" (identity unknown) + water extract of Anchusa sp. & drink.

    • Gastrointestinal Carminative, Stomachic

      Decoct root or fruits in water, cool, filter & drink x1 cup after every meal.

    • Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT) Anti-Infective, Demulcent

      Mix seeds/gum (see NOTES) + honey & use internally.

    • Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT) Analgesic

      Extract oil from seeds & apply as warm drops into ear.

    • Dermatological Hair restorer

      1.Extract oil from seeds & apply externally to hair, cover with wet cloth & leave for 15-30 min; repeat x4-
      2.Extract oil from seeds & apply externally to hair before washing.
      3. Mix equal amounts oil extracted from seeds + coconut oil + lettuce seeds & apply to head for 6 hr before hair wash; repeat x2/week.

    • Dermatological Anti-Infective

      Mix 1 tablespoon oil + cucumber juice & apply x1-2/day to affected area.

    • Child Health Anti-fungal

      Apply oil externally x1-2/day on affected area.

    • Child Health Carminative

      Prepare infusion of ground seeds (sugar can be added) & drink x1 teaspoon (for an infant) as needed.

    • Cancer Anti-carcinogenic

      1.Eat x7 dried seeds/day +/- honey until well.
      2. Eat 1 teaspoon seeds + honey x2/day.

    • Ageing Nootropic

      Grind fruits & eat x3/day for 1 week.

Stomach/ intestinal pain (ID: 5752)

All Complaints for this Species

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Diuretic

      Crush roasted fruits into fine powder: 1. Eat powder or
      2. Prepare a coffee-like drink + sugar & drink x3 small cups/day.

    • Gastrointestinal Carminative

      Decoct fruit & bark & drink 1cup x2/day.

    • Gastrointestinal Stomachic

      Grind roasted fruits into fine powder: 1. Eat x1 teaspoonful before meals or
      2. Use powder to make a coffee-like beverage & drink x1 small cup.

    • Gastrointestinal Antacid, Anti-ulcer

      Decoct male flowers in water & drink x3 small cups/day.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-Infective, Anti-diarrheal

      Decoct male flowers in water & drink x3 large cups/day.

    • Child Health Anti-enuresis

      Decoct fruit & bark & drink x1 cup x2/day.

Stomach acidity (ID: 5740)

All Complaints for this Species

    • Women`s Health Alterative

      1. Mix seeds + wheat grains + royal jelly + raisins (dried vitis vinefera fruit) + walnuts (Juglans regia)+ pine nuts (Pinus pinea)+ dates (Phoenix dactylifera); eat daily
      2. Eat roasted seeds daily.

    • Women`s Health Tocolytic

      Cook a little "hilbeh" (Trigonella foenum-graecum) in water. After cooking, discard bitter water & re-cook to obtain a mash. Add almond oil (from seed) + castor oil + "nabat" sugar (large sugar crystals) & eat.

    • Women`s Health Galactagogue

      1. Eat fresh fruits & seeds x 2-3/day for 1-3 mth after delivery.(B)
      2. Mix ground seeds + "nabat" sugar (large sugar crystals) in milk & drink. (Z)

    • Surgical/ Trauma Haemostatic

      Apply seeds/ gum externally. (See NOTES).

    • Respiratory Expectorant

      Decoct fruits in water & drink 1 cup x3/ day as needed.

    • Respiratory Anti-tussive

      1.Decoct fruits in water & drink 1 cup x4/day as needed.
      2. Mix seeds or gum (see NOTES) + honey & use internally.

    • Respiratory Anti-asthmatic

      Decoct fruits & drink 1 cup x4/day.

    • Opthalmic Visual health

      Grind seeds, add little water & heat; squeeze out liquid & apply as eye drops.

    • Mental health Anxiolytic

      Mix seeds + wheat grains + royal jelly + raisins (dried vitis vinefera fruit) + walnuts (Juglans regia) + pine nuts (Pinus pinea)+ dates (Phoenix dactylifera); eat daily.

    • Mens Health/ Reproductive Health Fertility

      1. Grind dried seeds + Jacob`s rod (Asphodelus lutea) seeds + honey & eat xI teaspoon/day.
      2. Boil 1 handful ground bark for 30 min, filter add + suger +? tablespoon lemon juice & drink x3 cups/day.
      3. Eat 80 gm seeds daily for 2 mth.
      4. Boil fruits in water & drink several times /day until well

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Anti-lithic

      Mix seeds/ gum (see NOTES) + honey & use internally. (Admin. details not specified. )

    • Haematology Non-specific

      Mix seeds/ gum (see NOTES) + sugar + poppy fruits & use internally. (Admin.details not specified.)

    • Gastrointestinal Antacid

      Eat raw seeds +/- honey.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-Infective

      Decoct root in water, cool, filter & drink 1 cup x3/day.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-Infective, Anti-diarrheal

      Heat almond oil + "shodon-aliza" (identity unknown) + water extract of Anchusa sp. & drink.

    • Gastrointestinal Carminative, Stomachic

      Decoct root or fruits in water, cool, filter & drink x1 cup after every meal.

    • Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT) Anti-Infective, Demulcent

      Mix seeds/gum (see NOTES) + honey & use internally.

    • Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT) Analgesic

      Extract oil from seeds & apply as warm drops into ear.

    • Dermatological Hair restorer

      1.Extract oil from seeds & apply externally to hair, cover with wet cloth & leave for 15-30 min; repeat x4-
      2.Extract oil from seeds & apply externally to hair before washing.
      3. Mix equal amounts oil extracted from seeds + coconut oil + lettuce seeds & apply to head for 6 hr before hair wash; repeat x2/week.

    • Dermatological Anti-Infective

      Mix 1 tablespoon oil + cucumber juice & apply x1-2/day to affected area.

    • Child Health Anti-fungal

      Apply oil externally x1-2/day on affected area.

    • Child Health Carminative

      Prepare infusion of ground seeds (sugar can be added) & drink x1 teaspoon (for an infant) as needed.

    • Cancer Anti-carcinogenic

      1.Eat x7 dried seeds/day +/- honey until well.
      2. Eat 1 teaspoon seeds + honey x2/day.

    • Ageing Nootropic

      Grind fruits & eat x3/day for 1 week.