All Complaints for this Species
- Dermatological
Anti-Infective, Vulnerary
Cook plant in water + Malva sp., spread on wet cloth & apply to boil.
Cook plant in water + Malva sp., spread on wet cloth & apply to boil.
Cook root + chamomile in water. (Admin. not specified.)
Cook root + stipes in water +"tya" (Ferula asa-foetida) + chamomile. (Admin. not specified.)
Decoct root in water & drink x3 small cups/day.
1. Cook root in water & drink.
2. Decoct root + stipes (See NOTES 2) & drink or use externally as paste to massage affected area.
Decoct root & drink x1 cup/day.
Cook root in water & drink until "there is much blood in the urine" (see NOTES 1).
Use root + vinegar. (Preparation/ Admin. not specified.)
Cook root in water & drink.
Cook root in water & drink.
Decoct root + stipes in water & drink x3 cups/day.
Decoct root + stipes (see NOTES 1) in water & drink x3 tablespoons/day.
Decoct root + stipes, mix + vinegar & spread over affected skin.
Apply poultice of leaves to lesion.
1. Apply seed oil alone or as salve + other ingredients.
2. Rub castor seed oil on burn then sprinkle with powder from roasted, ground lentils.
3.To keep wound open: apply poultice of leaves
Apply oil poultice from seeds on affected area x2/day.
Apply poultice of leaves to nipples. (See NOTES 3)
Drink x3 seeds (Preparation not specified) directly after birth. Contraceptive for 3 years.
Apply seed oil as an enema.
Apply seed oil & massage.
1. Cook leaves in olive oil & spread over painful areas. Avoid exposure to wind.
2. Apply seed oil locally & massage. ( See NOTES 1).
Apply seed oil locally & massage.
Mix fruit + myrrh + saffron + salt + garlic + oil & apply externally. (Further details of Admin. not specified.)
Use seed oil. (Admin. not specified. (See NOTES 1).
Drink 1-3 dirhams (See NOTES 1 & 2) of seed oil.
After fasting for 2 days, eat 200 gm peeled buttercup squash (Cucurbita maxima) seeds. After 4 hr eat 60 gm "zeit kharw'a" (Olea ricini, castor seed oil) or 2 fingers (may mean a pinch between 2 fingers) of English salt (Epsom salt = MgSO4).
1.Drink seed oil followed by infusion of mint tea. For ascaris: after above, eat dried, coconut in evening. Avoid eating peanuts (Arachis hypogaea). (Z)
2. Drink 1 cup oil on empty stomach x1/ day. (B)
Apply oil poultice from seeds onto affected area x2/ day.
1. Extract oil from seeds & drink (60 gm) (unclear if this refers to weight of the seeds or oil).
2. Chronic constipation: drink x1 small glass castor seed oil.
3. For babies: spread oil on abdomen & gently massage.
Drink oil from seeds; after burn the patient with a hot iron on upper posterior part of arm, then eat pomegranate jam.
Use seed oil. (Admin. further details not specified.)
Apply few drops of seed oil into ear. (See NOTES 1)
Apply seed oil as ear drops.
Cut skin with razor blade & drink laxative e.g.castor seed oil.
Apply fresh leaf to boil until it opens; then clean + cotton dipped in castor oil.
1. Apply oil externally to affected areas & massage. (B)
2. Apply seed oil to affected area alone or made into salve + other ingredients. (Z)
Apply oil externally to affected areas & massage.
Apply oil externally as ointment.
Apply poultice of leaves to lesion.
1. Apply seed oil alone or as salve + other ingredients.
2. Rub castor seed oil on burn then sprinkle with powder from roasted, ground lentils.
3.To keep wound open: apply poultice of leaves
Apply oil poultice from seeds on affected area x2/day.
Apply poultice of leaves to nipples. (See NOTES 3)
Drink x3 seeds (Preparation not specified) directly after birth. Contraceptive for 3 years.
Apply seed oil as an enema.
Apply seed oil & massage.
1. Cook leaves in olive oil & spread over painful areas. Avoid exposure to wind.
2. Apply seed oil locally & massage. ( See NOTES 1).
Apply seed oil locally & massage.
Mix fruit + myrrh + saffron + salt + garlic + oil & apply externally. (Further details of Admin. not specified.)
Use seed oil. (Admin. not specified. (See NOTES 1).
Drink 1-3 dirhams (See NOTES 1 & 2) of seed oil.
After fasting for 2 days, eat 200 gm peeled buttercup squash (Cucurbita maxima) seeds. After 4 hr eat 60 gm "zeit kharw'a" (Olea ricini, castor seed oil) or 2 fingers (may mean a pinch between 2 fingers) of English salt (Epsom salt = MgSO4).
1.Drink seed oil followed by infusion of mint tea. For ascaris: after above, eat dried, coconut in evening. Avoid eating peanuts (Arachis hypogaea). (Z)
2. Drink 1 cup oil on empty stomach x1/ day. (B)
Apply oil poultice from seeds onto affected area x2/ day.
1. Extract oil from seeds & drink (60 gm) (unclear if this refers to weight of the seeds or oil).
2. Chronic constipation: drink x1 small glass castor seed oil.
3. For babies: spread oil on abdomen & gently massage.
Drink oil from seeds; after burn the patient with a hot iron on upper posterior part of arm, then eat pomegranate jam.
Use seed oil. (Admin. further details not specified.)
Apply few drops of seed oil into ear. (See NOTES 1)
Apply seed oil as ear drops.
Cut skin with razor blade & drink laxative e.g.castor seed oil.
Apply fresh leaf to boil until it opens; then clean + cotton dipped in castor oil.
1. Apply oil externally to affected areas & massage. (B)
2. Apply seed oil to affected area alone or made into salve + other ingredients. (Z)
Apply oil externally to affected areas & massage.
Apply oil externally as ointment.
Soak leaves in boiling water, filter & use as a compress on wound; repeat several times until healed.
Prepare paste of crushed leaves + wheat flour, apply to affected area & fix with a cloth.
Decoct plant & drink x3 small cups/day. (TOXIC See CAUTIONS.)
Decoct plant in water & drink instead of water. (TOXIC See CAUTIONS.)
Decoct plant in water & use as hot or cold compress.
Decoct gallnuts in water & apply externally.
Grind gallnuts + Lawsonia sp. into fine powder & sprinkle over burn.
1. Grind gallnuts (See NOTES) + Cyperus sp. + Artemisia arboresens + Calamina (Calamine lotion: ZnO+Fe2O3) + Anacyclus pyrethrum; add little water to obtain a paste & spread in/around teeth.
2. For gum inflammation: decoct gallnuts in water & apply externally.
Prepare alcoholic tincture of gallnuts (galla), (See NOTES 1) + Ruta graveolens (leaf) + Phyllanthus emblica + "pedalon" (type of artificially prepared salt) + NaCl + Ferula assa-foetida + Aloe ferox + Myristica fragrans + Crocus sp. + Zingiber + Panicum (?) + Piper longum + Terminalia bellerica + "bedda" (See NOTES 2) (Terminalia citrina)+ "qali kaduri" (?) + Rosa sp.+ Cassia sp. + Gardenia sp. Take orally as necessary.
1.Decoct gallnuts in water & use internally. (Admin. further details not specified.)
2.Grind gallnuts to fine powder, cook in water & drink.
Decoct gallnuts in water & apply externally.
Grind gallnuts to fine powder & sprinkle over haemorrhage.
Mix burnt gallnuts & oil. (Admin. details not specified.), (See NOTES 1)
Mix powdered gallnuts + vinegar & spread on tongue & lips x2/day after meals.
Decoct plant in water & drink x3 large tablespoons/day.
Decoct plant in water & drink x3 large tablespoons/ day.
Mash fresh plant & apply to affected area.
Decoct plant in water & drink.
1. Mix seeds + wheat grains + royal jelly + raisins (dried vitis vinefera fruit) + walnuts (Juglans regia)+ pine nuts (Pinus pinea)+ dates (Phoenix dactylifera); eat daily
2. Eat roasted seeds daily.
Cook a little "hilbeh" (Trigonella foenum-graecum) in water. After cooking, discard bitter water & re-cook to obtain a mash. Add almond oil (from seed) + castor oil + "nabat" sugar (large sugar crystals) & eat.
1. Eat fresh fruits & seeds x 2-3/day for 1-3 mth after delivery.(B)
2. Mix ground seeds + "nabat" sugar (large sugar crystals) in milk & drink. (Z)
Apply seeds/ gum externally. (See NOTES).
Decoct fruits in water & drink 1 cup x3/ day as needed.
1.Decoct fruits in water & drink 1 cup x4/day as needed.
2. Mix seeds or gum (see NOTES) + honey & use internally.
Decoct fruits & drink 1 cup x4/day.
Grind seeds, add little water & heat; squeeze out liquid & apply as eye drops.
Mix seeds + wheat grains + royal jelly + raisins (dried vitis vinefera fruit) + walnuts (Juglans regia) + pine nuts (Pinus pinea)+ dates (Phoenix dactylifera); eat daily.
1. Grind dried seeds + Jacob`s rod (Asphodelus lutea) seeds + honey & eat xI teaspoon/day.
2. Boil 1 handful ground bark for 30 min, filter add + suger +? tablespoon lemon juice & drink x3 cups/day.
3. Eat 80 gm seeds daily for 2 mth.
4. Boil fruits in water & drink several times /day until well
Mix seeds/ gum (see NOTES) + honey & use internally. (Admin. details not specified. )
Mix seeds/ gum (see NOTES) + sugar + poppy fruits & use internally. (Admin.details not specified.)
Eat raw seeds +/- honey.
Decoct root in water, cool, filter & drink 1 cup x3/day.
Heat almond oil + "shodon-aliza" (identity unknown) + water extract of Anchusa sp. & drink.
Decoct root or fruits in water, cool, filter & drink x1 cup after every meal.
Mix seeds/gum (see NOTES) + honey & use internally.
Extract oil from seeds & apply as warm drops into ear.
1.Extract oil from seeds & apply externally to hair, cover with wet cloth & leave for 15-30 min; repeat x4-
2.Extract oil from seeds & apply externally to hair before washing.
3. Mix equal amounts oil extracted from seeds + coconut oil + lettuce seeds & apply to head for 6 hr before hair wash; repeat x2/week.
Mix 1 tablespoon oil + cucumber juice & apply x1-2/day to affected area.
Apply oil externally x1-2/day on affected area.
Prepare infusion of ground seeds (sugar can be added) & drink x1 teaspoon (for an infant) as needed.
1.Eat x7 dried seeds/day +/- honey until well.
2. Eat 1 teaspoon seeds + honey x2/day.
Grind fruits & eat x3/day for 1 week.
1. Mix seeds + wheat grains + royal jelly + raisins (dried vitis vinefera fruit) + walnuts (Juglans regia)+ pine nuts (Pinus pinea)+ dates (Phoenix dactylifera); eat daily
2. Eat roasted seeds daily.
Cook a little "hilbeh" (Trigonella foenum-graecum) in water. After cooking, discard bitter water & re-cook to obtain a mash. Add almond oil (from seed) + castor oil + "nabat" sugar (large sugar crystals) & eat.
1. Eat fresh fruits & seeds x 2-3/day for 1-3 mth after delivery.(B)
2. Mix ground seeds + "nabat" sugar (large sugar crystals) in milk & drink. (Z)
Apply seeds/ gum externally. (See NOTES).
Decoct fruits in water & drink 1 cup x3/ day as needed.
1.Decoct fruits in water & drink 1 cup x4/day as needed.
2. Mix seeds or gum (see NOTES) + honey & use internally.
Decoct fruits & drink 1 cup x4/day.
Grind seeds, add little water & heat; squeeze out liquid & apply as eye drops.
Mix seeds + wheat grains + royal jelly + raisins (dried vitis vinefera fruit) + walnuts (Juglans regia) + pine nuts (Pinus pinea)+ dates (Phoenix dactylifera); eat daily.
1. Grind dried seeds + Jacob`s rod (Asphodelus lutea) seeds + honey & eat xI teaspoon/day.
2. Boil 1 handful ground bark for 30 min, filter add + suger +? tablespoon lemon juice & drink x3 cups/day.
3. Eat 80 gm seeds daily for 2 mth.
4. Boil fruits in water & drink several times /day until well
Mix seeds/ gum (see NOTES) + honey & use internally. (Admin. details not specified. )
Mix seeds/ gum (see NOTES) + sugar + poppy fruits & use internally. (Admin.details not specified.)
Eat raw seeds +/- honey.
Decoct root in water, cool, filter & drink 1 cup x3/day.
Heat almond oil + "shodon-aliza" (identity unknown) + water extract of Anchusa sp. & drink.
Decoct root or fruits in water, cool, filter & drink x1 cup after every meal.
Mix seeds/gum (see NOTES) + honey & use internally.
Extract oil from seeds & apply as warm drops into ear.
1.Extract oil from seeds & apply externally to hair, cover with wet cloth & leave for 15-30 min; repeat x4-
2.Extract oil from seeds & apply externally to hair before washing.
3. Mix equal amounts oil extracted from seeds + coconut oil + lettuce seeds & apply to head for 6 hr before hair wash; repeat x2/week.
Mix 1 tablespoon oil + cucumber juice & apply x1-2/day to affected area.
Apply oil externally x1-2/day on affected area.
Prepare infusion of ground seeds (sugar can be added) & drink x1 teaspoon (for an infant) as needed.
1.Eat x7 dried seeds/day +/- honey until well.
2. Eat 1 teaspoon seeds + honey x2/day.
Grind fruits & eat x3/day for 1 week.
Decoct leaves/ branches in water & apply externally.
Crush leaves + henna (Lawsonia inermis) + grilled onion (Allium cepa) & apply juice around painful area.
1. Crush fresh leaves, twigs & branches into fine powder, roll into cigarette & burn skin (See NOTES 1).
2. Apply leaves to skin where a burn is intended & tie well. (See NOTES 2). When burn wound opens, insert a chickpea (Cicer arietinum), then cover with large leaf (grape, mulberry or cyclamen) & tie. (See NOTES 3)
1. Decoct grated small pieces of root in water for 1 hr until concentrated decoction formed; filter through gauze & drink filtrate x3 cups/day.
2. Prepare suppository from fresh leaves + henna (Lawsonia inermis) & apply locally.
1. Grind aerial parts, cook & apply to affected skin.(B)
2. Mash fresh leaves & apply to affected area. (Z)
1. Grind aerial parts, cook & apply to affected skin. (B)
2. Mash fresh leaves & apply to affected area. (Z)
Cook leaves in water & spread over head.
Grind aerial parts, cook & apply to affected skin.