Dittrichia viscosa

Flora Palaestina Ethnobotany


Dittrichia viscosa (L.) Greuter

Asteraceae (Compositae)

  • Inula viscosa (L.) Desf.
  • Clammy Inula
  • False Yellowhead
  • Sticky Fleabane
  • Strong-smelling Inula
  • Woody Fleabane
  • Yellow Fleabane
  • `irq al-tayoun عرق الطيون
  • tayoun طيون
  • tayun daviq
  • טַיּוּן דָּבִיק


  • Disturbed habitats
  • Humid habitats
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Medicinal Complaints / Uses

Dittrichia viscosa (L.) Greuter

System/State Traditional
Activity / Interpretation
Preparation/ Administration
Parts Used

Eczema & Tinea infection ( Tinea is a fungal infection of the skin )

Anti-fungal, Anti-inflammatory

Prepare poultice from crushed green leaves & apply.

Leaf Z


Anti-Infective, Anti-diarrheal

1. Cook fresh plant in water & drink.
2. Extract juice from fresh plant, add to "araq" (anise liquor) & drink.

Aerial parts Z

Induce perspiration & lower fever

Anti-pyretic, Diaphoretic

Prepare juice from crushed leaves + Oxalis sp. leaves & drink.

Leaf Z

Oedema; "zalal"


Cook plant in water in closed pot + "rand" (Laurus sp.) (See NOTES 2) + "maryameyeh" (Salvia fruticosa ) + "feijan" (Ruta sp.). Patient dressed in loose gown stands over the rising steam as long as possible then goes to bed & keeps warm.

Aerial parts Z
Musculoskeletal/ Joints

Reset badly healed bone fracture


Cook plant in water in closed pot + "feijan" (Ruta) + "maryameyeh" (Salvia fruticosa ) + branches of "el-ghar" (Laurus sp.) + "el-butum" (Pistacia atlantica) + "saris" (Pistacia lentiscus) + "sarw" (Cupressus sp.). Place affected limb in steam for few minutes. When removed, bone fracture can be lightly tapped to reset correctly.

Aerial parts Z
Musculoskeletal/ Joints

Rheumatic pain in back/legs /arms & muscles

Analgesic, Anti-arthritic, Anti-inflammatory

1. Decoct whole plant (aerial parts +root) in water & add to hot bath; bathe body or affected area.
2. Boil root in olive oil + "qizha" (Nigella sp.) + "feijan" (Ruta sp.) leaves & massage painful areas.
3. Cook aerial parts in water in closed pot alone or + olive branches + "maryameyeh" (Salvia fruticosa ) + "shirsh el-'aqul" (Alhagi maurorum) + "shabba" (alum; hydrated double sulfate salt of aluminium ). Patient in loose fitting gown stands over steam for some time, then goes to bed to keep warm. (See NOTES & CAUTION 2)

1.Whole plant (aerial parts + root ) 2. Root alone 3. Aerial parts alone Z
Oral Health



Chew fresh leaves to alleviate pain.

Leaf B



Boil whole plant (aerial parts + root) in water & inhale steam x1/day or as needed.

Whole plant (? aerial parts + root) Z

Influenza/ runny nose, cough

Anti-Infective, Anti-catarrhal, Anti-tussive

Boil whole plant (aerial parts + root) in water & inhale steam x1/day or as needed.

Whole plant (? aerial parts + root) Z
Women`s Health

Postpartum inflammation


Boil roots in water until viscous & apply as poultice to affected area.

Root B
Women`s Health

Prevent pregnancy


Prepare hot bath using plant & stand over steam for few minutes on last day of period. Afterwards, eat mixture of "bu'ithran" (Teucrium polium) (See NOTES 3) + cloves (Eugenia sp.) + honey for 3 days.

Aerial parts Z
Women`s Health

Renew (promote) menstrual flow


Decoct plant (part unspecified) +"feijan" (Ruta sp.) + olive buds & use in a steam bath.

Not specified Z
Women`s Health

Vaginal inflammation


Decoct whole plant (aerial parts + root) in water in closed pot & either: 1. Sit over steam or
2. Add decoction to bath and sit in it for 30 min.

Whole plant (? aerial parts + root) Z
Wound Healing

Extract pus from purulent wound

Anti-Infective, Vulnerary

Prepare powder of dried leaves & apply to wound.

Leaf Z
Wound Healing

Inflammed burn

Anti-Infective, Vulnerary

Prepare infusion of aerial parts & apply to affected skin.

Aerial parts B
Wound healing

Stop bleeding from a fresh wound


Apply dried powdered leaves to wound.

Leaf Z
Wound Healing

Wound treatment & prevent infection

Anti-Infective, Vulnerary

1.Powder dried leaves & apply to wound.
2. Extract juice from fresh plant & apply to wound.

Leaf. Aerial parts Z

Other Uses

Dittrichia viscosa (L.) Greuter

System/State Complaint / Use Activity / Interpretation
Parts Used

Flatulence in animals


Decoct leaves, filter & add to drinking water of animals (sheep, cows, goats, donkeys).

Leaf B

Improves appetite in animals


Decoct leaves, filter & add to animal`s drinking water.

Leaf B

Respiratory problems in animals


Decoct leaves, filter & add to animal`s drinking water.

Leaf B

The authors of FLORAPALE, (Flora Palaestina Ethnobotanical) web site do not take responsibility for any adverse effects from the use of the plants described here. Always seek advice from a health professional before using a plant medicinally or for other purposes. See DISCLAIMER.


1. Z mentions that treatment for rheumatic pain with this species is forbidden for women as it may cause sterility.
2. In the recipe for oedema Z uses another arabic name, "rand" for Laurus sp. He also refers to this tree as "el ghar" or "ghar"
3. In the recipe for preventing preganacy, Z notes that one of the ingredients is "bu'eithran" which he identifies as Teucrium polium (a synonym of Teucrium capitum). However this is not the common Arabic name for this species which is known as "jada". Thecommon Arabic name for Artemesia judaica however is "b'eithran"


1. Dittrichia genus contain species with sesquiterpene lactones & cause contact allergic skin conditions. Oral use may cause diarrhea, vomiting , spasm & paralysis. Can interfere with drugs for diabetes & hypertension. Contraindiacted in pregancy & nursing mothers.
2. Z mentions that treatment for rheumatic pain with this species is forbidden for women as it may cause sterility!