Warts (ID: 5719)

All Complaints for this Species

    • Wound Healing Anti-septic

      Decoct leaves/ branches in water & apply externally.

    • Oral Health Analgesic

      Crush leaves + henna (Lawsonia inermis) + grilled onion (Allium cepa) & apply juice around painful area.

    • Musculoskeletal/ Joints Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory Anti-Arthritic

      1. Crush fresh leaves, twigs & branches into fine powder, roll into cigarette & burn skin (See NOTES 1).
      2. Apply leaves to skin where a burn is intended & tie well. (See NOTES 2). When burn wound opens, insert a chickpea (Cicer arietinum), then cover with large leaf (grape, mulberry or cyclamen) & tie. (See NOTES 3)

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-haemorrhoidal

      1. Decoct grated small pieces of root in water for 1 hr until concentrated decoction formed; filter through gauze & drink filtrate x3 cups/day.
      2. Prepare suppository from fresh leaves + henna (Lawsonia inermis) & apply locally.

    • Dermatological Anti-Infective

      1. Grind aerial parts, cook & apply to affected skin.(B)
      2. Mash fresh leaves & apply to affected area. (Z)

    • Dermatological Anti-fungal

      1. Grind aerial parts, cook & apply to affected skin. (B)
      2. Mash fresh leaves & apply to affected area. (Z)

    • Dermatological Hair restorer

      Cook leaves in water & spread over head.

    • Dermatological Anti-inflammatory

      Grind aerial parts, cook & apply to affected skin.

Warts (ID: 3202)

All Complaints for this Species

    • Wound Healing Vulnerary

      Use resin. (Preparation/ Admin. not specified.)

    • Women`s Health Haemostatic

      Use resin. (Preparation/ Admin. not specified.)

    • Women`s Health Non-specific

      1.Chew & swallow x1-2 pieces of plant gum (resin). (See NOTES 2).
      2. Decoct leaves & drink x1 cup as needed.

    • Surgical/ Trauma Hernia reduction

      Dissolve resin in "'araq" (anise flavoured alcoholic drink/ liquor) + Boswellia sp., spread on cloth & tie well around abdomen.

    • Respiratory Pectoral

      Use resin. (Preparation/ Admin. not specified.)

    • Respiratory Pectoral

      Use resin. (Preparation/ Admin. not specified.)

    • Respiratory Anti-tussive

      Grind resin, cook + egg & eat.

    • Respiratory Analgesic

      Mix 20 gm ground fruits + 20 gm sugar & eat x I teaspoon/day.

    • Oral Health Dentifrice

      Decoct bark & gargle x3/day.

    • Oral Health Anti-caries

      Chew gum (resin). (See NOTES

    • Musculoskeletal/ Joints Analgesic, Anti-arthritic, Anti-inflammatory

      Add resin to Dorema ammoniacum in vinegar & heat mixture until it turns red; cool a little, spread on cloth & apply to painful area.

    • Musculoskeletal/ Joints Vulnerary

      Cook Dittrichia viscosa in water in closed pot + "feijan" (Ruta) + "maryameyeh" (Salvia sp.) + branches of "el-ghar" (Laurus) + "el-butum" (Pistacia atlantica) + "saris" (Pistacia lentiscus) + "sarw" (Cupressus sp.). Place affected area in steam for few minutes. When removed, bone fracture can be tapped lightly to reset it correctly.

    • Musculoskeletal/ Joints Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory

      Make compress/ poultice with resin & apply to painful area. (see NOTES

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Anti-lithic

      Cook resin in hot water for 30 min & drink.

    • General Anti-hydropic

      Melt resin, spread over cloth & bandage affected area.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-emetic

      Grind resin + mint (Mentha sp.), cook in water & drink.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-ulcer

      1. Prepare infusion of leaves & drink x3/day.
      2. Decoct leaves & drink x1 cup as needed.

    • Gastrointestinal Hepatic

      Prepare infusion of leaves & drink x 3/day.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-inflammatory, Demulcent

      Use resin. (Preparation/ Admin. not specified.)

    • Gastrointestinal Antacid

      Use resin. (Preparation/ Admin. not specified.)

    • Gastrointestinal Hepatic

      Use resin. (Preparation/ Admin. not specified.)

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-haemorrhoidal

      Sprinkle leaves on surface of hot bath & sit in water for 30 min.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-Infective, Anti-diarrheal

      1. Cook leaves & stems in water & drink. (Z)
      2. Cook resin in water + mint (Mentha sp.) & drink followed by drinking lemon juice. (Z)
      3. Decoct stems & leaves, filter & drink 1 cup x3/day for 2 days. (B)

    • Gastrointestinal Carminative, Stomachic

      1. Decoct leaves in water, cool, filter & drink x1 cup after meals.
      2. To stimulate appetite: add 1 spoonful of resin to 1 cup of water & drink (can also add Boswellia sp.).

    • Gastrointestinal Haemostatic

      Use resin. (Preparation/ Admin. not specified.)

    • Gastrointestinal Carminative

      1.Chew & swallow 1-2 pieces of plant gum (chewed resin). (See NOTES
      2. Decoct leaves & drink x1 cup as needed.

    • Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT) Anthelmintic

      Warm resin over fire + apple or quince leaves; apply drops of liquid extract into ear.

    • Dermatological Anti-Infective

      1. Crush resin + myrtle (Myrtus) + olive leaves + little salt + olive oil, mix & apply to warts. (Z)
      2. Prepare infusion of leaves & drink x3/day. (B)

    • Dermatological Anti-fungal

      Cook resin + tar (residue left after distilling coal tar) + bees' wax (Cera flava) + egg yolk + butter until paste; spread over affected area.

Warts (ID: 5665)

All Complaints for this Species

    • Wound Healing Anti-septic

      Crush dried plant into fine powder & dust over skin.

    • Wound Healing Vulnerary

      Grind roasted seeds & apply powder to burn every 1-2 hrs throughout the day.

    • Smoking Cigarette

      Make cigarettes of dried leaves & smoke.

    • Musculoskeletal / Joints Induce burn

      1. Burn dried stems & apply while hot to skin causing a burn.
      2. Make cigarette from dried plant, light one end & apply it to skin to cause a burn. (See NOTES.)

    • Mental Health Anti-depressant

      Decoct leaves & drink x1 cup/day.

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Deobstruent

      Soak leaves & stems in boiling water & drink x1 cup/day until recovery.

    • Gastrointestinal Digestive

      Decoct leaves & drink x1 cup/day.

    • Dermatological Anti-Infective

      Burn leaves & apply directly to wart.

    • Dermatological Anti-Infective

      Burn ground dried leaves & stems & add small amount to cauterize affected area x1 only.

Warts (ID: 1943)

All Complaints for this Species

    • Women`s Health Emmenagogue

      Mix leaves + honey + cow's bile (See NOTES 2); prepare as tampon & insert vaginally.

    • Women`s Health Analgesic

      Decoct leaf & stems & drink x1 cup as needed.

    • Respiratory Anti-Infective, Anti-pyretic

      Prepare tea from leaves. (Admin. not specified.)

    • Respiratory Anti-tussive

      Cook myrtle seeds + dried almond shells + dried figs + "nabat" sugar + brown sugar + carob + mustard for a long time to obtain a jam; eat x1 teaspoon/day mornings.

    • Oral Health Analgesic

      Chew fresh leaves.

    • Oral Health Anti-caries, Anti-gum disease

      Cook leaves in water + rose leaves + grapevine branches + lentils & gargle.

    • Opthalmic Visual health

      Prepare infusion in water of Myrtus. (Plant Part not specified). Add grated "'afs" (gallnut, Galla halepensis, See NOTES 1) to infusion & apply liquid to eye.

    • Nervous System Analgesic

      Grind leaves, mix + vinegar, spread over cloth & apply to head.

    • Men`s Health/ Sexuality Aphrodisiac

      Cook leaves & stems in water + "butum" (Pistacia atlantica) branches & drink.

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Diuretic

      Prepare tea from leaves. (Admin. not specified.)

    • General Anti-hydrotic

      Decoct leaves & use filtrate to wash with.

    • Gastrointestinal Hepatic

      Mix leaves + "hundal" (unclear what this is). (Preparation/ Admin. not specified.)

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-Infective, Anti-diarrheal, Anti-emetic

      Cook leaves & seeds + "kammun busufa" (Ammodaucus leucotrichus) + inner layers of onion + egg with shell, filter & drink.

    • Gastrointestinal Carminative

      Cook leaves & stems in water & drink.

    • Endocrine/ Metabolic Hypoglycemic

      Cook leaves in water + leaves of olive + "feijan" (Ruta bracteosa) & drink.

    • Dermatological Anti-Infective

      1. Burn tip of a branch & apply to wart.
      2. Grind leaves + "mastika" (mastix, gum from Pistacia lentiscus) + olive leaves + little salt; mix +olive oil & apply on & around wart.

Warts (ID: 5443)

All Complaints for this Species

    • Ritual /Ceremonial Ritual

      Hang leaves on the patient as a good luck charm.

    • Oral Health Analgesic

      1.Cook raw leaves & rinse mouth out with the water.
      2.Chew raw leaves.

    • Mental health Anti-depressant, Anti-psychotic

      Hang leaves on the patient as a good luck charm.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-haemorrhoidal

      Grind leaves & aerial parts & apply as poultice to affected area.

    • Dermatological Anti-Infective

      Grind leaves & aerial parts & apply as poultice to affected area.

    • Dermatological Anti-acne, Anti-fungal, Scabicide

      Apply milky juice of the plant to skin.

    • Dermatological Antiseptic

      1. Use juice of the plant, as a salve
      2. Decoct plant in water & use as a hot compress locally.

Warts (ID: 1190)

All Complaints for this Species

    • Wound Healing Anti-Infective, Vulnerary

      1. Apply leaves as compress on closed lesion to soften & open it.
      2. Spread fig honey (or date honey) over suppurative wound (to open & dry it up).

    • Wound Healing Vulnerary

      Mix latex of unripe fruit + barley flour & apply to burned area.

    • Women`s Health Haemostatic

      Heat powdered dried fruit in oven, wrap in gauze to make vaginal suppository & insert.

    • Women`s Health Abortifacient

      Decoct dried fruit in water & drink x1 full glass of decoction while sitting in hot bath for 15 min.

    • Women`s Health Emmenagogue

      Decoct dried fruit in water & drink 1 full glass x3/day.

    • Venoms, Bites & Stings Anti-venom

      Obtain latex/ juice by squeezing fresh plant parts & unripe fruit & apply to sting.

    • Respiratory Anti-tussive, Demulcent

      1. Decoct dried fruit in water & drink x3 cups/day.
      2. Cook dried figs in water + inflorescence of "balasan" (Sambucus nigra) & drink the water.

    • Respiratory Anti-asthmatic

      Decoct leaves & drink 2 cups x2/day.

    • Oral Health Analgesic

      1. Apply latex (milky fluid) from unripe fruit onto tooth.
      2. Boil leaves in vinegar, cool & gargle after eating or as needed.

    • Opthalmic Non-specific

      Massage eyes with fig leaves (See CAUTIONS), then spread almond oil & a compress of chamomile flowers.

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Anti-lithic

      Decoct leaves & drink 1 cup x /2day.

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Diuretic

      Decoct dried fruit & drink all day instead of water.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-Infective, Anti-diarrheal

      Boil dried fruit in water & drink x3 cups /day.

    • Gastrointestinal Laxative

      Eat fruit.

    • Gastrointestinal Carminative

      Mix dried, powdered leaves + boiled honey + soft-boiled egg & eat mornings.

    • Gastrointestinal Laxative

      1. Eat (dried) fruit alone
      2. Eat dried fruit + juice of one of the following plants dripped onto it: (i)"mahmoudiya" (Convolvulus scammonia), or (ii) "halablub" (Euphorbia sp.), or (iii) "faqus himar" (Ecballium elaterium), or (iv) carob honey (Ceratonia siliqua) + cow`s milk.

    • Gastrointestinal Stomachic

      Eat (dried) fruit

    • Endocrine/Metabolic Hypocholesterolemic

      Decoct leaves & drink 3 cups x 2/day.

    • Dermatological, Ritual /Ceremonial Anti-Infective

      1. Spread latex from fresh plant & unripe fruit onto wart.(Z)
      2. Squeeze milky sap secreted from stem & apply to affected area; repeat daily until improvement. (B)
      3. Ritual /Ceremonial use: Make cuts on fresh twig equal to the number of a patient`s warts; leave twig to dry; when it dries the warts will disappear. (Z)

    • Dermatological Scabicide

      Obtain latex /juice by squeezing fresh plant parts & unripe fruit; use it to make a dough with barley flour & apply as compress.

    • Dermatological Anti-inflammatory

      Obtain latex/ juice by squeezing fresh plant parts & unripe fruit; use it to make a dough with barley flour & apply as compress.

    • Dermatological Anti-fungal

      Obtain latex/ juice by squeezing fresh plant parts & unripe fruit & apply to skin.

    • Dermatological Anti-inflammatory

      Use latex.(Preparation/ Admin. not specified.)

    • Dermatological Hair restorer

      Prepare compress of leaves; wet in "qutran" (Pix liquida liquid tar is a dry distillation of various pine woods). (Admin. not specified.)

    • Cosmetic Dye

      Cook leaves of black figs + black mulberries + vine leaves & use to wash hair.

Warts (ID: 5359)

All Complaints for this Species

    • Wound Healing Vulnerary

      Dry leaves, grind & apply as poultice to affected area.

    • Musculoskeletal/ Joints Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory, nti-arthritic

      Soak bark in water for 12 hr, grind & apply as poultice to affected area.

    • Mens Health Prostate health

      Decoct aerial parts & drink x1 cup/day as needed.

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Anti-Infective

      Decoct aerial parts & drink x1 cup/day as needed.

    • Gastrointestinal Carminative, Digestive

      Decoct leaves & drink x1 cup/day as needed.

    • Endocrine/ Metabolic Hypoglycemic

      Decoct aerial parts & drink x1 cup/day as needed.

    • Dermatological Anti-Infective

      Dry leaves, grind & apply as poultice to affected area.

Warts (ID: 5352)

All Complaints for this Species

    • Wound Healing Vulnerary

      Prepare poultice from leaves & apply to affected area.

    • Sexuality Anti-libido

      Decoct aerial parts & drink.

    • Gastrointestinal Purgative

      1. Boil plant & drink x1 large tablespoon evening.
      2. Mix few drops of plant latex + 1 teaspoon sugar & swallow.

    • Gastrointestinal Laxative

      Decoct aerial parts & drink.

    • Gastrointestinal Carminative

      Decoct aerial parts & drink.

    • Dermatological Anti-Infective

      Prepare poultice from leaves & apply to affected area.

Warts (ID: 5235)

All Complaints for this Species

    • Men`s Health/ Sexuality Aphrodisiac

      Crush fresh overground part & insert into rectum (See NOTES).

    • Mens Health/Sexuality Aphrodisiac

      Decoct aerial parts & drink 1 cup x1/day.

    • Endocrine/ Metabolic Hypoglycemic

      Cook plant in water & drink.

    • Dermatological Anti-Infective

      Burn twigs & apply to warts to cauterize them.

Warts (ID: 5133)

All Complaints for this Species

    • Gastrointestinal Laxative

      Decoct leaves in water & drink evenings; for mild laxative effect x1 small teaspoon; for strong laxative effect x1 large tablespoon.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-Infective, Anti-diarrheal

      Decoct leaves & drink x1 cup /day as needed.

    • Dermatological Anti-Infective

      Burn plant twigs & apply to warts (cauterize).