Urinary tract inflammation (ID: 5899)

All Complaints for this Species

    • Womens Health Galactagogue

      Decoct seeds after soaking 4hr in water & drink 1 cup x3/day.

    • Womens Health Analgesic

      Decoct seeds after soaking 4hr in water & drink x1 cup/day.

    • Womens Health Alterative, Parturient

      1. Decoct seeds after soaking 4 hr in water & drink x1 cup/day for 4-7 days post delivery.
      2. Soak seeds in water for 4 hr, decoct & add decoction to bath; immerse in bath in last month of pregnancy.

    • Respiratory Anti-Infective

      Decoct seeds after soaking for 4hr in water & drink x1 cup/day.

    • Reproductive Health Fertility

      Decoct seeds & drink 1 cup x3/day untill well.

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Anti-inflammatory, Demulcent

      Decoct seeds & drink 1 cup x3/day untill well.

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Anti-Infective

      Decoct seeds after soaking 4hr in water & drink x1 cup/day.

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Anti-lithic

      Decoct seeds & drink 1 cup x3/day untill well.

    • Haematology Anti-anaemic

      1.Decoct seeds after soaking for 4hr in water & drink x1 cup/day.
      2. Decoct seeds & drink 1 cup x3/day.

    • Endocrine/ Metabolic Hypoglycemic

      Decoct seeds & drink 1 cup x3/day as needed.

Urinary tract inflammation (ID: 2781)

All Complaints for this Species

    • Women`s Health Emmenagogue

      Decoct plant & drink.

    • Women`s Health Contraceptive

      1. This recipe is in 2 parts A & B: A. On last day of menstruation stand over steam bath of Ditricchia viscosa. B. Mix aerial parts of Teucrium capitatum + Eugenia caryophyllus + honey & eat for 3 days during the above treatment.
      2. Decoct aerial parts & drink (promotes menstruation).

    • Womens Health/ Sexuality Aphrodisiac

      Prepare vaginal tampon from aerial parts + Althaea acaulis + Pimpinella anisum + honey. (Admin. not specified.)

    • Venoms, Bites & Stings Anti-venom

      Use aerial parts. (Preparation/ Admin. not specified.)

    • Surgical/ Trauma Haemostatic

      Apply compresses of aerial parts to affected area.

    • Respiratory Anti-Infective, Demulcent

      Use aerial parts. (Preparation/ Admin. not specified.)

    • Respiratory Anti-asthmatic

      Immerse aerial parts in bowl of hot water & inhale steam.

    • Opthalmic Visual health

      Mix aerial parts + honey. (Admin. not specified.)

    • Nervous System Analgesic

      Grind plant into fine powder, roll into cigarette & smoke.

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Anti-inflammatory, Demulcent

      Decoct aerial parts in water, cool, filter & drink 1 cup x3/day.

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Anti-lithic

      Decoct plant in water, cool, filter & drink 1 cup x3/day.

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Diuretic

      1.Prepare infusion of aerial parts & drink.
      2. Decoct aerial parts in water, cool, filter & drink 1 cup x3/day.

    • Helminth infections Anthelmintic, Vermifuge

      1. Cook aerial parts + pumpkin seeds. (Admin. not specified.)
      2. Mix aerial parts + pomegranate peel + cinnamon bark. (Admin. not specified.)

    • Haematology Analgesic

      Use aerial parts. (Preparation/ Admin. not specified.)

    • General Anti-hydropic

      Use aerial parts. (Preparation/ Admin. not specified.)

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-spasmodic, Carminative

      1. Decoct 50 gm aerial parts in 1L water & drink x1 cup/day. (B)
      2. Decoct aerial parts & drink x1 full cup before each meal or x2/day. (Z)
      3. Cook aerial parts in water + chamomile & drink. (Z)

    • Gastrointestinal Laxative

      Decoct aerial parts & drink x1 full cup + sugar before sleeping.

    • Gastrointestinal Antacid, Anti-ulcer

      Decoct aerial parts & drink x1 full cup before meals or x 2/day.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-inflammatory, Demulcent

      Decoct aerial parts & drink x1 full cup before each meal or x2/day.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-lithic

      Decoct aerial parts in water, cool, filter & drink 1 cup x3/day.

    • Endocrine/ Metabolic Anti-obesity

      Decoct 50 gm aerial parts in 1L water & drink x1 cup/day.

    • Endocrine/ Metabolic Hypoglycemic

      1. Decoct 50 gm aerial parts in 1L water & drink x1 cup/day. (B)
      2. Decoct aerial parts & drink + saccharine (because very bitter). (Z)

    • Cancer Anti-carcinogenic

      1. Infuse aerial parts by adding 1 teaspoon to boiled water & drink x1 cup/day before breakfast.
      2. Mix 1 teaspoon aerial parts +1 kg honey +100 mg ginseng + black cumin (Nigella ciliaris); eat 1 teaspoon x3/day.

    • Ageing Nootropic

      Mix plant + honey. (Admin. not specified.)

Urinary tract inflammation (ID: 5694)

All Complaints for this Species

    • Wound Healing Vulnerary

      Apply powdered wood from rotten tree trunk to burn over which butter has been spread.

    • Respiratory Anti-asthmatic

      Boil gall resin + butter + honey, cool & eat x1 teaspoon mornings.

    • Mens Health/ Sexuality Aphrodisiac

      Decoct leaves & drink x1 cup on empty stomach before breakfast.

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Anti-inflammatory, Demulcent

      Decoct leaves & drink x1 cup on empty stomach before breakfast.

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Deobstruent

      Eat gall resin.

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Anti-lithic

      Decoct leaves & drink x1 cup on empty stomach before breakfast.

    • Infectious Diseases Anti-tubercular

      Boil gall resin in butter + honey, cool & eat x1 teaspoon mornings. Add 2 soft boiled eggs. .

    • Haematology Blood purifier

      Boil gall resin in butter + honey, cool & eat x1 teaspoon mornings. Add 2 soft boiled eggs.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-Infective, Anti-diarrheal

      Cook galls (see NOTES) in water + Mentha sp. & drink 1 teaspoon x3/day.

    • Endocrine/ Metabolic Hypoglycemic

      Decoct leaves & drink x1 cup on empty stomach before breakfast.

Urinary tract inflammation (ID: 2136)

All Complaints for this Species

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Anti-inflammatory, Demulcent

      Decoct plant in water & drink 1 tablespoon x3/day.

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Anti-lithic

      Decoct plant in water & drink x3 cups/day.

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Diuretic

      Decoct plant in water & drink 1 tablespoon x3/day.

    • General Anti-hydropic

      Decoct plant in water & drink x3 cups/day.

Urinary tract inflammation (ID: 2124)

All Complaints for this Species

    • Opthalmic Anti-septic

      Boil fresh grated fruit in distilled water for 15 min, cool, filter through cotton wool & apply as eye drops.

    • Opthalmic Visual health

      Prepare powder from fruit + powder of Lolium temulentum fruit + wheat grains + fadi (crystalline) sugar; mix, wrap in cloth soaked in milk from woman nursing a female baby (not boy) & apply as eye drops.

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Anti-inflammatory, Demulcent

      Decoct fruit in water & drink hot.

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Anti-lithic

      Cook fruit in water & drink.

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Diuretic

      Decoct fruit in water & drink hot.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-inflammatory, Demulcent

      Decoct fruit in water & drink + sugar.

    • Gastrointestinal Carminative

      Decoct fruit in water & drink + sugar.

Urinary tract inflammation (ID: 1847)

All Complaints for this Species

    • Womens health/ Reproductive Health Fertility

      Boil flowers + "mahniza" (Ferula asa-foetida) (See NOTES 4 ) in tub & sit over steam.

    • Womens Health Anti-inflammatory

      Mix flowers +"fuwwa" (Rubia tinctorium) + "tya" (Ferula asa-foetida) (See NOTES 4) & apply as uterine rinse.

    • Womens Health Tonic

      Prepare infusion of flowers & drink.

    • Womens Health Analgesic, Emmenagogue

      Decoct flowers + "kamnon" (Pimpinella anisum) & drink.

    • Respiratory Anti-asthmatic, Anti-tussive

      Decoct flowers in water, cool, filter & drink 1 cup x3/day.

    • Respiratory Anti-Infective, Anti-catarrhal, Anti-tussive

      1. Decoct fowers in water, cool, filter & drink 1 cup x3 -4/day.
      2. Decoct ground dried flowers & drink after fasting for 12 hr.
      3. Cook plant in water alone or + "khatmiyeh" (Alcea acaulis) or + "ward el-hasad" (Alcea setosa), + "bizr kittan" (Linum sp.) + sugar & drink.

    • Pain Relief Analgesic

      Decoct flowers & drink x1 cup + sugar as necessary.

    • Oral Health Analgesic

      Cook plant in water & gargle.

    • Oral Health Mouth wash

      Prepare flowers as tea & use as mouth rinse.

    • Opthalmic Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory

      Massage eyes with fig leaves, apply almond oil & then a compress of Matricaria chamomilla flowers.

    • Opthalmic Anti-Infective

      Decoct flowers + tea leaves & apply as compress.

    • Nervous system Nervine

      Prepare flowers as tea & drink.

    • Nervous System Analgesic

      Prepare flowers as tea & drink.

    • Mental Health Anxiolytic

      Prepare flowers as tea & drink.

    • Mental Health Anti-depressant, Anti-psychotic

      Mix flowers + "kanjabeen" (unknown, but possibly means "sakanjubeen" , a mixture of honey & vinegar). (Admin. not specified.)

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Anti-inflammatory, Demulcent

      Decoct flowers + "kamnon" (Pimpinella anisum) & drink.

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Deobstruent

      Cook plant in water + "farfahina" (Portulaca oleracea) & drink.

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Anti-lithic

      Prepare flowers as tea & drink.

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Anti-inflammatory

      Prepare flowers as tea & drink.

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Diuretic

      Decoct flowers in water, cool, filter & drink all day instead of water.

    • Infectious Diseases Anti-Infective, Anti-pyretic

      Decoct flowers, sweeten with "kamnon" (Pimpinella anisum) & drink.

    • General Refrigerant

      Prepare flowers as tea & drink.

    • General Anti-pyretic, Diaphoretic

      Decoct flowers & drink hot x1 cup as necessary.

    • General Anti-inflammatory

      Decoct flowers in water, cool, filter & drink 1 cup x3/day.

    • General Anti-hydropic, Anti-inflammatory

      1. Decoct flowers & apply externally as compress.
      2. Prepare tea from flowers & drink.

    • General Panacea

      Prepare flowers as tea & drink.

    • Gastrointestinal Carminative, Digestive, Stomachic

      1. Decoct flowers + "kamnon" (Pimpinella anisum) & drink.
      2. Decoct flowers & drink after meals.
      3. Prepare infusion of flowers & drink.
      4. Cook flowers in water + fennel & drink x1 cup morning & evening for 4 days.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-inflammatory, Demulcent

      Decoct flowers + "kamnon" (Pimpinella anisum) & drink.

    • Gastrointestinal Laxative

      Decoct flowers in water, cool, filter & drink x2 cups evenings.

    • Gastrointestinal Carminative

      Cook plant in water + "bu'ithran" (Teucrium polium) (See NOTES 3) + "na'na" (Mentha sp.) & drink.

    • Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT) Analgesic

      Cook flowers in water + "marzanajush" (Stachys lavandulifolia) (See NOTES 2) & drink.

    • Child Health Anti-Infective, Anti-diarrheal, Laxative

      Decoct flowers + "kamnon" (Pimpinella anisum) & drink.

    • Child Health Carminative

      Decoct flowers +" kamnon" (Pimpinella anisum) & drink.

    • Cancer (unclear if tumors maligant or benign) Anti-tumor

      Mix flowers + "maryameyeh" (Salvia fruticosa) + "ezuv" (Majorana sp., synonym Origanum syriacum) + "besamim" (Rosmarinus sp.). See NOTES 1) (Admin. not specified.)

Urinary tract inflammation (ID: 5431)

All Complaints for this Species

    • Wound Healing Vulnerary

      1. Grind roasted seeds & spread directly on burn. (B)
      2. Prepare dough from Hordeum flour & apply to burn. (Z)

    • Surgical/ Trauma Anti-Infective

      Decoct grain & drink.

    • Opthalmic Anti-inflammatory

      Preparation/ Admin. not specified.

    • Nervous system Analgesic

      Prepare bread loaf from Hordeum flour + "bizr kitan" (Linum sp.); slice in half while hot & use as hot compress on head.

    • Musculoskeletal/ joints Analgesic, Anti-arthritic, Anti-inflammatory

      This recipe is in 2 parts A & B: A. Prepare dough of ground hordeum flour + vinegar + coriander & apply to painful area. (Helpful especially if pain is accompanied by fever). If this is unhelpful then prepare B. B. Grind lentils (Lens culinaris)+ burnt, ground sheep bones + Coriandrum + Colchicum luteum + Terminalia chebula peel & eat for three days. After this extract "kusani" (? Cichorium sp. ) & drink x1 cup of conc. extract every evening.

    • Musculoskeletal/ joints Vulnerary

      Cook Hordeum straw in water in closed pot & hold affected limb over steam for few minutes; on removal immediately rebreak bone with a light tap.

    • Mental Health Anxiolytic

      Mix grain + honey + "washaj" (gum resin of Dorema ammoniacum/ gum ammoniac). (Admin.not specified.).

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Anti-inflammatory, Demulcent

      1.Decoct seeds & drink x1 cup on an empty stomach mornings. (B)
      2. Decoct grain & drink. (Z)

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Deobstruent

      Cook grains in water & drink/

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Anti-lithic

      1. Mix black species of Hordeum. vulgare + "lubiya" or cowpea (Vigna unguiculate). (Admin not specified.) (Z)
      2. Boil Hordeum grains for a long time + husks of " tzalaqot tiras" (female inflorescence of maize/ corn); add sugar & drink. (Z)
      3. Decoct seeds & drink x1 cup on an empty stomach mornings. (B)

    • General Anti-hydropic

      Cook grains + rosemary (Rosmarinus sp.) (Admin. not specified.)

    • General Anti-pyretic

      Decoct grains & drink.

    • General Refrigerant

      Cook grains in water & drink.

    • General Anti-hydropic

      Cook grains in water & drink.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-ulcer

      Decoct grains & drink.

    • Gastrointestinal Carminative

      Cook grains + "najil" (Cynodon dactylon) in water & drink.

    • Endocrine/ Metabolic Hypoglycemic

      Prepare hordeum flour & eat

    • Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT) Anti-Infective, Demulcent

      Cook grain in water, gargle while hot & spit out.

    • Dermatological Vulnerary

      Cook seeds of "turmus" (Lupinus termis) in water & use water to prepare a dough with Hordeum flour; bandage affected area with dough.

    • Dermatological Anti-pruritic

      Grind grains, wet with "leben" (yoghurt) & apply to affected area.

Urinary tract inflammation (ID: 601)

All Complaints for this Species

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Anti-inflammatory, Demulcent

      Decoct aerial parts in water & drink ? cup x3/day.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-inflammatory, Demulcent

      Decoct aerial parts in water & drink x3 cups/day.

Urinary tract inflammation (ID: 478)

All Complaints for this Species

    • Oral Health Analgesic, Anti-caries

      Burn nuts/ achenes (See NOTES 2) on coals & inhale steam into mouth for 10 min.

    • Nervous System Analgesic

      Mix powdered plant + equal parts of sesame oil & boil for 10 min to obtain paste; spread on affected area.

    • Musculoskeletal/ Joints Anti-arthritic, Anti-inflammatory

      Mix powdered plant + equal parts of sesame oil & boil for 10 min to obtain paste; spread on affected area.

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Anti-inflammatory, Demulcent

      Decoct plant in water (has sweet taste) & drink x1 small glass/day.

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Anti-spasmodic

      Decoct plant in water (has sweet taste) & drink x1 small glass/day.

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Diuretic

      Decoct plant in water (has sweet taste) & drink x1 small glass/day.

    • General Anti-pyretic

      Decoct plant & drink hot.

    • Gastrointestinal Analgesic, Anti-spasmodic

      Decoct plant in water (has sweet taste) & drink x1 small glass/day.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-inflammatory, Demulcent

      Decoct plant in water (has sweet taste) & drink hot without sugar x1 small glass/day.

    • Dermatological Vulnerary

      Boil plant in water, mix + equal parts of sesame oil + onion juice + olive oil + "samna" (see NOTES 1) until forms homogenous spread; apply to swollen area x3/day.

    • Dermatological Anti-septic

      1. Crush dried plant into fine powder, sprinkle onto lesion /pimple.
      2. Prepare cream /salve by mixing plant powder + water + samna, (see NOTES 1) & heating until paste is obtained.