All Complaints for this Species
- Kidney & Urinary Tract
Preparation/ Admin/Plant Part not specifed.
Preparation/ Admin/Plant Part not specifed.
Decoct leaves + flowers & drink 1 cup x3/day for 3 days.
Decoct leaves + flowers & drink x1 cup mornings as needed.
1. Decoct leaves + flowers & drink x1 cup nightly for 1 week or 1 cup x3/day.
2.Prepare infusion of leaves, filter & drink 1 cup x2/day until recovery.
Decoct leaves + flowers & drink x1 cup/day as needed.
Decoct 1 teaspoon aerial parts to 1 cup water & add to bath in which the patient sits.
Decoct aerial parts + sage (Salvia fruticosa) + anise (Anisum vulgare) + mint (Mentha spicata) & drink x1-2 cups/day.
1. Prepare infusion of 1 teaspoon flowers to 1 cup boiled water & inhale steam x1/day before sleep.
2. Drink infusion x3-4/day until recovery.
Decoct leaves & flowers & drink x1 cup/day.
Decoct leaves & flowers & apply locally as poultice.
Decoct leaves & flowers & drink x1 cup/day.
Decoct leaves & flowers & expose to steam in a steam bath.
Decoct leaves & flowers & drink x1 cup/day.
Decoct x2 teaspoons aerial parts to 2 cups of water & drink x2 cups as needed. Children: ? cup/day.
Decoct aerial parts, use to make poultice & apply to affected area.
1.Decoct 1 teaspoon aerial parts in 1 cup boiling water & drink x1/day.
2. Decoct aerial parts + parsley (Petrosalinum sativa) + thyme? (unclear if this is Thymbra sp. or Origanum syriacum) & drink 1 cup x2/day until recovery.
3.Decoct aerial parts +1.5 teaspoons mint (Mentha spicata) in 1 cup water & drink x1 cup/day for a short time.
Preparation/ Admin/ Plant Part not specified.
Preparation/ Admin/ Plant Part not specified.
Add powdered root to tobacco.
1. Soak root in water for few days, filter & drink x3 glasses/day. (Z)
2. Soak root in water + carob fruit (Ceratonia siliqua) & drink the water. (Z)
3. Prepare from root a thick juice or jam (+ other fruits) & drink or suck. (Z)
4. Cough only: Boil 1 teaspoon ground roots in water for 10 min, drink x2/day for 3 days. (B) Do not exceed suggested dose (See CAUTIONS.).
Boil x3 tablespoons dried roots in 3 cups water for 5 mins & drink 1 cup x2/day. Do not exceed suggested dose. (See CAUTIONS.)
1. Simmer 200 gm roots in 1 L of water for 20 min, leave 15 min, filter & drink as needed.
2. Use above as mouth rinse x2/day. Do Not exceed suggested dose (See CAUTIONS.)
Simmer 200 gm leaves in 1L water for 20 min, stand 15 min, filter & apply to cracked lips x2/day. Do not exceed suggested dose (See CAUTIONS.)
Chew root after eating.
Soak root in water for few days & drink as needed.
Grind ? teaspoon of roots, boil in water & drink 1 cup x2/day. Do not exceed suggested dose. (See CAUTIONS.)
Boil ground roots in water & drink 1 cup x 2-3/day. Can add equal quantity of fennel. Do Not exceed suggested dose (See CAUTIONS).
Decoct ground roots & drink x1-2 cups/day.
Decoct ground roots & drink x1 cup/day as needed. Do not exceed suggested dose. (See CAUTIONS.)
Soak root in water for few days & drink x4 glasses /day.
1. Chew root.
2. Suck candy made from root.
Cook root in water & eat.
Use root. Can also add aloe & "sanamakki" (Senna alexandrina). (Preparation/ Admin. not specified.)
Boil 1 teaspoon ground roots in 1 cup water for 10 min, drink x2/day for 3 days. Do NOT exceed suggested dose (See CAUTIONS)
Prepare concentrated extract from root & rhizome & drink.
1. Boil 40 gm roots in water + 40 gm sulfur + 40 gm senna (Senna alexandrina), sweeten + sugar & drink x1 tablespoon evenings as needed.
2. Boil 40gm roots in water + 40 gm senna (Senna alexandrina), filter, sweeten + sugar & drink 1 teaspoon/day as needed.
3. Soak stems in hot water, filter, sweeten + sugar & drink x1 cup/day as needed.
4. Mix equal amounts of licorice seeds + seeds of senna (Senna alexandrina), anise (Anisum vulgare ), cumin (Cuminum cyminum), fennel (Foeniculum vulgare); add x1 teaspoon of mixture to 1 cup boiling water & drink multiple doses as needed. Do not exceed suggested dose (See CAUTIONS).
Boil ? teaspoon ground roots in 1 cup water for 5 min & drink x2/day. Do not exceed suggested dose (See CAUTIONS.)
Soak root in cold water & drink water.
1. Decoct ground roots & drink x1-2 cups /day.
2. Grind roots & eat x1 teaspoon /day. Do not exceed suggested dose (See CAUTIONS.)
Dry leaves, grind & apply as poultice to affected area.
Soak bark in water for 12 hr, grind & apply as poultice to affected area.
Decoct aerial parts & drink x1 cup/day as needed.
Decoct aerial parts & drink x1 cup/day as needed.
Decoct leaves & drink x1 cup/day as needed.
Decoct aerial parts & drink x1 cup/day as needed.
Dry leaves, grind & apply as poultice to affected area.
Decoct leaves & drink x1 cup x1-2/day.
Decoct leaves & drink x3 cups/day.
Decoct flowers & drink x1 cup mornings before breakfast as needed.
Decoct flowers & drink x1 cup mornings before breakfast as needed.
Decoct leaves & drink x1 cup as needed.
Decoct flowers, filter & drink x2 cups/day until recovery.
Decoct leaves & drink x2/day.
Decoct leaves in water & drink hot + sugar.
Decoct leaves in water & drink hot + sugar.
1. Eat fruit.
2. Prepare drink from fruits.
Decoct leaves & drink x2/day.
Decoct leaves & drink x2/day.
Decoct leaves & drink x2/day.
Decoct leaves & drink x2/day.
Decoct aerial parts. (Admin not specified).
1.Cook leaves + olive oil + onions & eat.
2. Decoct leaves for 15 min & drink x1 cup/day until well.
Add aerial parts to animal feed.
Apply dried, ground leaves to affected area.
Boil leaves, add 250 ml of filtrate to water & drink for 3 days.
1. Cook leaves & eat especially in winter.
2. Roast aerial parts, grind, mix + olive oil & apply to mouth x1-2 /day for 7 days.
Extract juice from root & apply 1 drop to eye x1/day
Cook plant in water & drink the water +"sukar fadi" (crystallized sugar) if necessary. Afterwards eat the remaining plant.
Decoct flowers, filter & drink x3 cups /day until well.
Cook plant in water & drink the water +"sukar fadi" (crystallized sugar) if necessary. Afterwards eat the remaining plant.
1. Decoct aerial parts & drink x1 cup /day for 2 days. (B)
2. Cook + olive oi l+ onions & eat.(B)
3. Cook + olive oil+ onions + pepper + tahina & eat.(B)
4. Eat fresh aerial parts (B)
5. Cook aerial parts in water & drink the water +"sukar fadi" (crstallized sugar) if necessary. Afterwards eat the remaining plant. (Z)
Extract juice from washed leaves & take x2 teaspoons for 1mth.
Decoct plant in water, cool, strain & drink x1 large tablespoon as needed.
Cook plant in water & drink the water +"sukar fadi" (crstallized sugar) if necessary. Afterwards eat the remaining plant.
1.Cook leaves & eat; can add vineger.
2.Decoct aerial parts & drink x1cup /day.
1.Prepare juice from leaves + leaves of dandelion + quince fruit; sweeten + sugar & drink 1cup /day until recovery.
2.Decoct roasted roots & drink x2cups /day.
3. Prepare infusion from crushed leaves & drink x1 cup/ day.
4. Extract juice from aerial parts & drink x2/day until well.
5. Cut clean root into small pieces, boil in water for 2 min, stand 10 min; filter & drink x2/day.
1. Boil roots in water until ? the water evaporates; filter & drink x1 cup/day for 1 week.
2. Decoct dried flowers & drink 1cup x2 /day.
Cook plant in water & drink the water +"sukar fadi" (crystallized sugar) if necessary. Afterwards eat the remaining plant.
Decoct x12 teaspoons crushed leaves to 1 cup boiling water; leave 15 min, filter, add + dandelion leaves to filtrate & drink warm.
Cook aerial parts +olive oil & eat ? kg /day for 1 month.
1. Decoct washed flowers + aerial parts, filter & drink x1 cup /day before meals for 2 days.
2. Cut leaves into small paices, cook + olive oil + onions & eat.
1. Decoct aerial parts & drink x1cup /day for 2 days.
2. Cook leaves + olive oil+ onions & eat daily.
1. Soak ground roots in water for 5 min, boil for 15 min & drink x1 cup before meals.
2. Decoct flowers, leave & then drink 1 cup x3 /day.
3. Grind roots & boil x5 teaspoons in 1L of water for 15 min; drink x1 cup before meals.
1.Boil leaves in water, change water twice & eat the leaves. (B)
2. Decoct plant in water, cool, strain & drink 1 cup x 4/day. (Z)
Extract juice from leaves & add x1-2 drops to affected ear
Decoct aerial parts & drink x2 cups /day for 1 week.
Cook in olive oil + salt + water + onion + lemon & eat hot.
Wash leaves, extract juice & take x 2 teaspoons for 1 mth,
Boil fruit syrup, cool & spread on infected area.
1.Crush leaves or fruits, soak in water, boil for 4 hr & apply to affected skin of animal.
2.Add fruit to animal feed.
Add fruit to animal fodder.
Add fruit to animal fodder of cows, sheep, goats.
Boil fruit in water & and add to animal`s drinking water
Mix fruit syrup + "tahina" (sesame seed paste). (Admin. not specified.)
1. Macerate fruit in cold water + "sus" (Glycyrrhiza sp.) root & drink. (Z)
2. Mix fruit syrup + "tahina" (sesame seed paste). (Admin. not specified.) (Z)
3. Cook fruits for a long time to obtain jam, add + "reihan" (Myrtus) seeds + almond shells + dried figs + "nabat" sugar + brown sugar + mustard; eat 1 teaspoon x1/day mornings. (Z)
4. Boil dried fruits in water for 1hr. & drink x 2-3 cups/day until well.(B)
Grind dried fruits, boil in water, filter & drink filtrate 2 teaspoons x2/day in morning & evening until well.
Decoct leaves in water, cool, filter, add vinegar & gargle.
Grind dried fruits, soak in water overnight, filter & rinse mouth x3 /day.
Boil fruit syrup until a paste is formed. This can be spread inside the mouth using any of following: 1. "shabba" (alum, see NOTES 1).
2. Sour pomegranate juice (Punica sp.)
3. NaHCO3 (sodium bicarbonate) + "nasha" (Amylum Tritici) (See NOTES 2 + butter.
Crush leaves or fruits, soak in water, boil for 4 hr & apply to eye.
Cook young branches & leaves + "za'tar" (Thymbra capitata) + branches of "ghar" (Laurus nobilis) + branches of olive (Olea sp.) + "saris" (Pistacia lentiscus) + "maryameyeh" (Salvia fruticosa). After holding broken limb over steam for few minutes, the bone can be re-broken with a light tap.
1. Grind dried fruits, soak in water for 12 hr, boil (time not-specified) & drink x1 cup mornings for 1 week.
2. Add 1 kg of dried fruits to 3L of water, boil for 15 min, soak overnight, filter & drink 1 cup x3/day until healed.
1. Decoct fruits & drink x1 cup/day until healed.
2. Dry fruits & eat daily until healed.
3. Prepare juice of fruits, boil + sugar till thickens & drink daily until healed.
Add 1 spoon of fruit paste to 1 cup of water & drink 1 cup x1/day for 1 week.
Use fruit syrup. (Admin. not specified.)
Mix fruit syrup + "tahina" (sesame seed paste) (Admin.not specified.)
Dry fruits, grind, soak in water overnight, filter syrup & drink 1 cup x2-3/day.
Eat fruit.
Prepare fruit syrup + salt, moisten gauze pad with mixture & use as a suppository.
Grind dried fruits, soak in water overnight, filter & drink 1 cup of the syrup/ filtrate x2-3/day.
Decoct leaves in water & drink x3 tablespoons /day.
1.Diarrhea: Dry fruits, grind & soak in water overnight, filter syrup & drink 1 cup x2-3/day. (B)
2. Diarrhea & dysentery: Grind roasted seeds to powder & drink as medicinal coffee. (Z)
1. Mix fruit syrup + cow's milk & drink. After eat as many dried figs as possible.
2. Crush ripe fruit (seeds removed), cook in water + sugar for hours until syrup & eat 1 tablespoon x3/day.
Cook fruit in water + leaves of "ghar" (Laurus nobilis) & drink.
1.Grind dried fruits, boil in water, filter & drink filtrate x2 teaspoons/day mornings until well. (B)
2.Grind roasted seeds to powder & drink as medicinal coffee. (Z)
1. Crush ripe fruit (seeds removed), cook in water + sugar for hours until syrup; eat 1 tablespoon x4/day after meals.
2. Mix fruit syrup with "tahina" (sesame seed paste). ( Admin. not specified.)
Macerate fruit in cold water + "sus" (Glycyrrhiza sp.) root & drink.
Decoct leaves in water, cool, filter, add vinegar & gargle after meals & before sleep.
Decoct leaves in water & apply decoction topically x3 /day.
Cut 400 gm of fruit into small pieces, soak in 1L water for 12 hr & boil for 10 min; squeeze or pound boiled fruit, filter & apply filtrate to scalp x1/day.
Prepare an extract of crushed fruit in hot water; boil until most fluid evaporates leaving a concentrated viscous, sweet, brown syrup ("rubb" or "dibs-el-kharub" = carob honey) which is eaten.
Dry leaves & use to lather water as soap substitute in laundry. (See NOTES.)
Decoct crushed/ grated seeds in water, cool, filter & drink x3/day.
Decoct fruit & drink 1 cup/day.