All Complaints for this Species
- Wound Healing
Prepare compress of rhizome & apply.
- Kidney & Urinary Tract
Boil 15 gm roots in 0.5 L water for 10 min, filter & drink x4 cups/day until well.
- Kidney & Urinary Tract
Prepare tea from rhizome. (Admin. not specified.)
- Kidney & Urinary Tract
Decoct rhizome in water + barley grains (Admin. not specified.)
- Kidney & Urinary Tract
1.Prepare tea from rhizome & drink alone or + barley grains, instead of water. (Z)
2. Kidney stones only: Boil 15 gm of roots in 0.5 L water for 10 min, filter & drink x4 cups/day until well. (B) - Kidney & Urinary Tract
1. Decoct rhizome in water & drink instead of water.
2. Two preparations are used A & B: A. Cook rhizome + barley grains (Hordeum sp.) in water & drink x1 cup mornings. B. Prepare infusion of Boswellia sp.+ fennel (Foeniculum) + tailed pepper (Piper cubeba) & drink at noon after A. - Genitourinary system
Anti-inflammatory, Demulcent
Decoct rhizome in water & drink instead of water.
- Gastrointestinal
Prepare tea from rhizome. (Admin. not specified.)
- Gastrointestinal
Anti-spasmodic, Carminative
Decoct rhizome in water; for baby drink x2 small teaspoons/day as needed.
- Gastrointestinal
Anti-inflammatory, Carminative, Demulcent
Decoct rhizome in water & drink x3 cups/day.
- Gastrointestinal
Prepare tea from rhizome & drink.
- Gastrointestinal
Cook rhizomes + barley grains in water & drink.
- Dermatological
Anti-dandruff, Hair restorer
Decoct whole plant & rhizome in water, cool, filter & wash head x1/day.