All Complaints for this Species
- Women`s Health
Decoct seeds & drink x I cup/day in 1st stage of pregnancy; causes bleeding. (TOXIC See CAUTIONS.)
- Women`s Health
Eat x4 seeds directly after birth.(TOXIC See CAUTIONS)
- Helminth infections
Anthelmintic, Vermifuge
Preparation /Admin not specified.
- Gastrointestinal
Bitter, Stomachic
Burn seeds over fire, grind into fine powder & drink x1 small cup of this coffee-like preparation after meals. (TOXIC See CAUTIONS.)
- Gastrointestinal
Carminative, Stomachic
Preparation/ Admin not specified.
- Gastrointestinal
Preparation/ Admin not specified.
- Gastrointestinal
Demulcent, Vulnerary
Preparation /Admin not specified.
- Endocrine/ Metabolic
Eat x5 raw seeds every morning daily. (TOXIC See CAUTIONS.)
- Endocrine/ Metabolic
1. Macerate seeds in water for few days & eat. (Z)
2.Powder dried seeds & eat x1 tablespoon/ day. (Z)
3.Roast seeds & prepare a coffee-like drink. (Z)
4. Eat x5 raw seeds every morning daily. (B) (TOXIC See CAUTIONS.) - Dermatological
Use water from cooked seeds to make dough + barley flour; apply as bandage to swollen area.
- Dermatological
Freckle remover
Prepare salve from powdered seeds + vinegar + honey & apply to skin.
- Dermatological
Apply powdered dried seeds to skin.
- Dermatological
Hair inhibitor
Prepare salve from powdered seeds + vinegar + honey & apply to skin.
- Dermatological
Apply powdered dried seeds to skin.
- Culinary
Macerate seeds in water for few days, rinse & eat + salt. (TOXIC See CAUTIONS)
- Cardiovascular
Eat x5 raw seeds every morning daily. (TOXIC See CAUTIONS.)
- Ageing
Eat x5 raw seeds every morning daily. (TOXIC See CAUTIONS)