Scorpion bite & bee venom sting (ID: 328)

All Complaints for this Species

    • Venoms, Bites & Stings Anti-venom

      Apply juice from bulb to sting.

    • Musculoskeletal/ Joints Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory

      Heat bulb to obtain gel, mix + olive oil to make ointment & massage.

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Anti-lithic

      Crush peeled bulb, mix + olive oil, spread on barley bread & eat for 3 days.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-haemorrhoidal

      Boil bulb in water to obtain gel & apply as ointment.

    • Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT) Anti-Infective

      Peel bulb, crush, heat in sheep`s bile, cool, strain & apply as ear drops. (See NOTES).

    • Dermatological Anti-Infective, Vulnerary

      Crush bulb, mix juice + salt & apply to pimple.