Intestinal colic (ID: 5649) All Complaints for this Species Wound Healing Anti-septic Spread juice of fresh plant on affected area. Wound healing Haemostatic Apply leaves as poultice to stop bleeding. Respiratory Anti-tussive Decoct leaves & drink x1cup/day. Kidney & Urinary Tract Deobstruent Decoct leaves & drink as needed. Kidney & Urinary Tract Deobstruent Cook plant in water & drink. Kidney & Urinary Tract Anti-lithic Decoct plant in water & drink + sugar. Kidney & Urinary Tract Diuretic Decoct plant in water & drink + sugar. Gastrointestinal Carminative Decoct leaves & drink x1cup/day. Gastrointestinal Anti-haemorrhoidal Apply aerial parts externally. Gastrointestinal Analgesic, Anti-spasmodic Cook plant in water & drink. Dermatological Anti-inflammatory Decoct aerial parts & apply to affected area.