Diarrhea & vomiting in adults (ID: 1031)

All Complaints for this Species

    • Respiratory Anti-Infective, Anti-pyretic

      Rinse seeds with water, cook & drink.

    • Infectious Diseases Anti-Infective

      Rinse seeds with water, cook & drink.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-Infective, Anti-diarrheal, Anti-emetic

      Pour boiling water over seeds in a cup + nabat sugar (large rock sugar crystals) & drink.

    • Gastrointestinal Laxative

      Grind seeds, cook in water & drink without sugar.

    • Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT) Anti-Infective, Demulcent

      Rinse seeds with water, cook & drink.

    • Dermatological Vulneray

      Cook seeds +" turgadazi" (Solanum nigrum, See CAUTIONS for this species) + "qosani" (Cichorium sp.) & drink.

    • Dermatological Anti-pruritic

      Extract seeds in "'araq" (anise liquor) & "qosani" (Cichorium sp.) (See NOTES 1) + "shirkhisht" (sugary sap of Cotoneaster) + "folus" (Cassia fistula); apply to affected skin.

    • Child Health Carminative

      Pour boiling water over seeds in a cup + nabat sugar (large rock sugar crystals) & drink.