Chest inflammation /bronchitis/cough /pertussis (whooping cough). (ID: 210) All Complaints for this Species Ritual /Ceremonial Ritual Use plant to make incense or charms. Respiratory Anti-Infective, Anti-tussive, Expectorant 1. Decoct leaves in water + snail meat to prepare a soup & drink. 2. Decoct plant + " 'innab" (Ziziphus jujuba) + raisins (softens phlegm) & drink 3. Decoct plant in water & drink extract. Pain Relief Analgesic Decoct & filter. (Admin. not specified.) Kidney & Urinary Tract Diuretic Cook plant in water, filter & drink. Dermatological Hair restorer Prepare infusion of aerial parts + rue (Ruta chalapensis) & aloe (Aloe vera) & apply to hair.