Carminative & stomachic (improves appetite/digestion relieves flatulence) (ID: 3063)

All Complaints for this Species

    • Wound Healing Anti-septic

      Decoct root in water, cool, filter & apply externally.

    • Oral Health Analgesic

      Cook root in water & gargle water.

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Deobstruent

      Cook root in water & drink (avoid fatty foods during treatment).

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Anti-lithic

      Cook root in water & drink.

    • Kidney & Urinary Tract Anti-inflammatory, Demulcent

      Decoct flowers in water & drink 1 cup x3/day.

    • General Anti-hydropic

      1. Cook root in water & drink water.
      2. Decoct root in water, cool, filter & drink 1 cup x 2/day.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-inflammatory, Demulcent

      Decoct flowers in water & drink 1 cup x3 /day.

    • Gastrointestinal Anti-haemorrhoidal

      Add root to hot bath & sit for 30 mins.

    • Gastrointestinal Carminative. Stomachic

      Decoct flowers in water & drink x3 tablespoons/day.

    • Endocrine/ Metabolic Hypoglycemic

      1. Cook root in water & drink the water. (Z)
      2. Decoct root in water, cool, filter & drink 1 cup x2/day. (Z)
      3. Prepare infusion of leaves & drink.(B)

    • Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT) Anti-septic

      Decoct root in water, cool, filter & gargle after meals.