All Complaints for this Species
- Wound Healing
Decoct leaves/ branches in water & apply externally.
- Oral Health
Crush leaves + henna (Lawsonia inermis) + grilled onion (Allium cepa) & apply juice around painful area.
- Musculoskeletal/ Joints
Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory Anti-Arthritic
1. Crush fresh leaves, twigs & branches into fine powder, roll into cigarette & burn skin (See NOTES 1).
2. Apply leaves to skin where a burn is intended & tie well. (See NOTES 2). When burn wound opens, insert a chickpea (Cicer arietinum), then cover with large leaf (grape, mulberry or cyclamen) & tie. (See NOTES 3) - Gastrointestinal
1. Decoct grated small pieces of root in water for 1 hr until concentrated decoction formed; filter through gauze & drink filtrate x3 cups/day.
2. Prepare suppository from fresh leaves + henna (Lawsonia inermis) & apply locally. - Dermatological
1. Grind aerial parts, cook & apply to affected skin.(B)
2. Mash fresh leaves & apply to affected area. (Z) - Dermatological
1. Grind aerial parts, cook & apply to affected skin. (B)
2. Mash fresh leaves & apply to affected area. (Z) - Dermatological
Hair restorer
Cook leaves in water & spread over head.
- Dermatological
Grind aerial parts, cook & apply to affected skin.