Bryonia cretica

Flora Palaestina Ethnobotany

Bryonia cretica subsp, dioica (Jacq.) Tutin

Cucurbitaceae Juss.

  • Bryonia dioica Jacq.
  • Cretan Bryony
  • bandoret el-hayya بندورة الحية
  • ‘inab el-hayya عنب الحية
  • dla'at nakhash metzuya
  • דְּלַעַת-נָחָשׁ מְצוּיָה

Hemicryptophyte, Climber

  • Mediterranean maquis and forest
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Medicinal Complaints / Uses

Bryonia cretica subsp, dioica (Jacq.) Tutin

System/State Traditional
Activity / Interpretation
Preparation/ Administration
Parts Used
Wound Healing

Deep purulent skin lesions


Crush dried leaves, cook in oil & apply to affected area

Aerial parts Z

The authors of FLORAPALE, (Flora Palaestina Ethnobotanical) web site do not take responsibility for any adverse effects from the use of the plants described here. Always seek advice from a health professional before using a plant medicinally or for other purposes. See DISCLAIMER.



Byronia genus contains species whose roots are powerful laxatives, emetics & can cause severe skin irritation. All parts of plants & roots contain toxic cucurbitacins & are considered poisonous. They may cause abortion, anuria, blisters, colic collapse, convulsions, cramps, dermatosis, diarrhea, dizziness, emesis, nephrosis, neursis. Byronia species are likely unsafe at low doses while larger doses may cause fatal poisoning. Touching fresh bryonia can cause skin irritation. Eating berries can cause death.